headcanon ( Kiba)

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Kiba as an adult is all about traditions still being performed in the family. That includes his and yours.

Though you two come from different clans with different beliefs and most definitely different cultrtral norms, he still wants his children to know and be connected to both sides of their families.

Even if that means him learning your language to help teach to your son and or daughter and you doing his versa. Him dressing in traditional wear during your cultural holiday and helping his child(ren) understand what's happening.

You love him for this ,it's one of the very many reasons you married him. You two had this conversation about how you would raise your children in both cultures and he wholeheartedly agreed to do what ever it took. Kiba was mainly concerned with their children and how he didn't want them to feel as if they had to choose one over the other.

Though you lived with him, in a different country, with different cultrtral norms than what you grew up with, Kiba wanted to make sure you felt secure and help you keep alive your traditions. To keep what makes you, you here.

Hello everyone 👋 it's been awhile! I just want to say thank you to everyone who read this book! It really means a lot to me. Just a few announcements...
With the closing of this book, so are the requests. Requests are now closed because I have now moved on from this book. I will release the requests I received before this announcements but none after. I will also add some bonus content soon as a thank you for sticking around and reading. Once again, thank you all for reading and I'll see you all next time.

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