The Classic (Kakuzu)

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"You've got to be kidding me."

"Oh hell no."

"Is...there a problem?" The landlord questioned.

"Uh yes," you stepped up to him. "I thought this hotel had two beds, not big king sized. I made sure to request two separate beds."

"Yes about that, my nephew didn't know we already had that room reserved to someone else at the time. He didn't find out until after. I apologize on his behalf." He bowed.

You sighed. "I guess this will have to do. Thank you for giving us a room anyway. Much appreciated." You bowed back.

"You're welcome. How long will you two be staying?"

"Oh, well-"

"Only for the night." Kakuzu interrupted. His rough and low voice bounced off the walls in the room.

"W-Well, I'll bid you two good night. Again, terribly sorry for the mix-up." The landlord made his way out and closed the door behind him leaving you and Kakuzu to look at each other awkwardly.


"Don't make this any weirder than it already is." He said passing you to the bed.

"Me? Make this weird? No. I'm just ready to sleep." You said making your way over to the bed too. You sat down your stuff and grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom to change. "You just don't make it weird."

As you changed, Kakuzu took off his cloak and headpiece covering his hair and mouth. About time you came out, he was just settling into bed.

You went over to the left side and settled in yourself. As you did, you heard Kakuzu address you.

"Just stay on your side. With your size, this bed should be big enough for you..."

"I know you're not making more short jokes. You know what-I'm too tired to say something back, you just stay in your side."

"Mhm." He grumbled

                ~Two hours later~

You felt a fly buzz around your ear and immediately woke up when you caught it in your hand. You sat up a bit blinked continuously to get used to the dark.

"Ew. That's so nasty" you whispered. You whipped it off on the side of the bed and tried to turn over to the right but something was keeping you. You almost jumped out of your skin at the sight of it. Kakuzu was laying closer to you than before-hell he was laying in you! His arm wrapped around your upper chest. His head was laying in the crook of your neck. You could feel his soft breath against your skin which causes goosebumps to appear.

'What the fuck.'

You just couldn't believe it. When did this happen? How did he end up over here? How did you just allow this to happen? You would've felt his big ass laying in half of your body. So...

"Mmm" you heard him groan in his sleep. You felt his strong arm pull you closer to him.

"Oh wow" you whispered to yourself.

Looking at him now, you had to admit, he was pretty cute looking in this position. He looks so vulnerable.

'If Hidan saw him like this, he'd never let him live it down.' you thought.

He was adorable like this. And he wasn't hurting you. Plus, it's not like you could move. So...might as well get comfortable. Right?

You carefully laid your arm above his head and the other spiraled on the other side. You laid your head down carefully and took a deep breath. You looked over to Kakuzu one more time and smiled.

"Who knew you were a cuddler."

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