Victim (Sasori)

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Dedicated. That's what you called it in the beginning. He was so attentive and loving towards you. Who knew this love could turn so sour?


You couldn't understand how a man who you thought was a blessing turned out to be a curse in disguise.

He started off shy. It was cute. The way golden eyes would avert from yours when you caught him staring. The way pink would creep upon his tan skin when caught. He was so adorable. Was that apart of his game?

Was all of it just a game?

After you guys started dating, it was pure sweetness. There were days full if cuddling, whispering sweet nothings in your ear as he held you tight. These small moments meant so much to him. So much so, it's all he ever wanted. And more.

He started to get a little...clingy per se. He came around a lot more, which you didn't mind at first, but he'd constantly be at your doorstep. Constantly calling you, texting you-he even showed up at your job!

You worked an office job being the typical assistant, running all over the building constantly with papers in your hands. You told him your frustrations at the job and such but never have you mentioned the company name nor the location. Just how did he manage to find you...?

When you saw him sitting at your desk, flowers in hand, you were taken aback and a little creeped out. You asked him, "How did you find me?"

He simply replied "I'll always find you." with that alluring smile of his.

Red flag #1

You stupidly overlooked this but this incident always stayed in the back of your head.

Sometime later, he started getting a bit.... possessive. He was always easily jealous if someone else grabbed your attention, and you thought it was cute. How stupid. Usually, he'd pout while pulling you closer to him but lately, when he got jealous, he'd give them an intimidating look and or just pull you away altogether. You questioned him about his actions.

He'd say, " they were pulling you away from me. I can't get them."

Red flag #2

The last straw was a few weeks ago when you guys got into a huge fight over his behavior over the last month. He wasn't letting leave his sight, He deleted all of your photos with everybody except him, showed up and almost had a fist fight with one if your Co works because he thought she was trying to 'trying to steal you away', and more. You were getting tired of it. You loved him dearly but not enough to go through this mess. That's when you threw in the towel.

"I'm breaking up with you."

He was stunned. He turned back to you wide-eyed and all. He looked as if he was trying desperately to understand what was happening. "W...What?"

"I said that I'm breaking up with you. Sasori, I used to think that you were the best thing to happen to me. I mean these past five months were so great! But this past month was...a lot. I the beginning, I ignored your odd behavior, which was pretty stupid, because it was early in the relationship and I thought it'd be a one-time thing. But this last month, you've been just going crazy! Deleting my photos, almost getting me fired! That's a big ass no for me."

"Wait, Y/N please," he grabbed your hands and got on to his knees and pleated. "Please don't leave me. P-Please I need you!" Tears stained his eye.

You felt bad. You knew he was a little sensitive. But that didn't matter now. You didn't care at the moment. He went too far. Endangering your job, trying to control you... It was all too much. You didn't want to fall victim to an abusive relationship. So you left him. He wasn't going to let you go that easily though. And in the end, you became his victim.

Now here you are, reflecting in a dark room chained to a wall. His body laid before you. Even in death, he looked so grateful. So beautiful...You started to unwrap the chain around his neck, which was turning into a bruise. His dilated eyes stared back at your empty ones. Being chained for two weeks really changes a bitch. You grabbed his key chain and freed your bruised and bloodied ankles and wrist.

You crawled over to the house phone and dialed 911. He thought you wouldn't kill him. He thought you would never try to escape, especially since he broke both of your ankles. But he was wrong. You told yourself that you would not become a victim.

And you didn't.

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