Newly found love (Rock lee)

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It's been four months since that messy break up with Sasuke. You used to wonder why it all happened. Why he cheated. Why he left.

Before, Y/N had given up on love. She swore to herself that she was through with love. That way, she'll never get hurt ever again.

But then she met him....

"Lee..." Y/N said.

She met him a month ago at the park. And ever since then, he makes her heart flutter whenever she thinks of him.

Flash back

Y/N was jogging on the park pathway when stopped to have s break. She sat down on a bench next to a man doin push ups.

"You mind if I sit over here?" Y/N asked him.

"No not at all!" The man said. Y/N sat down and pulled out a towel wiped the swear off of your light brown skin and got out your water.


"Rock Lee." Lee said as he got up. He sat down next to her and smiled at her.

"Here. You look like you need it more that me." She said offering your water.

"Thank you very much. I really appreciate it." Lee said as he took the water bottle and drunk it all in three gulps.

"Damn you really did need it that bad huh haha." Y/N laughed.

"Yes I did. I don't drink water until after I'm done with my morning workout." He explained.

"But wouldn't that make you dehydrated or light headed or something?" She asked

"At first it did but now that I do everyday, I've gotten used to it. I do it to push myself to my fullest potential!"

"Oh really now? What's your workout routine?"

"I do 200 squats, 300 push ups, 200 sit ups every morning from 4 am to 6 am."

Y/N looked at him as if he had grown a second head. "All of that...without water..."


"Ok that's inhumane. You a robot or something?" She said as a joke.

"It's just how I was taught. I want to be just like my former teach someday. He used to do this before he got hurt so I do it."

"Oh wow. He must be a great person."

"Yes! He's the kindest and most youthful person I've known in my life. He took me in under his wing and has always been there for me. That's why I want to be just like him." Lee explained. Y/N looked at him fondly.

'That's so sweet.'

"I think that's awesome if you ask me. If I knew somebody like that, I'd try to become like them as well." She said and got up. "Well, I guess it's time to finish my session of running."

"Do you mind if I dun with you? I haven't ran yet." Lee asked.

"Sure. Let's go." She said.

"I'll race you to that tree over there." Lee proposed.

"Oh it's on!" She said and both sprinted on the pathway.

Since that day, they've met up at the park every morning to exercise with each other. This went in for two weeks before Lee asked her on a date. Of course you said yes. You liked him he made you forget all about your messy break up with Sasuke. He was the perfect distraction...

Flash back over

Your mind drifted to the present. You were waiting for him at a restaurant. This was your third date.

Lee came back to the table from the bathroom with a nervous smile upon his face. "Sorry about that. There was a bit of a line."

"Oh no it's alright." You said with a smile. Lee smiled back brightly at you.

"You look very beautiful tonight. Your dress really makes your skin look even more beautiful than it is." Lee said blushing a bit.

"Oh uh thanks Lee. You look handsome as well." You said blushing heavily.

"Thank you Y/N chan."

A moment later, the waitress arrived. "Hello my name is Ami. What would you like to order on this fine evening?"

"Oh um I would like to have Yakisoba Chicken." You said.

"And I would like to have Oyakodo." Lee said.

"Great choices! And your drinks?"

"Oh sweet tea for me."

"Water please."

"Alright. I will will be back momentarily with your drinks." Amount days and walked away.

"So how was your day?" Lee asked.

"Great! I think I really hit it off with my manager about moving me to the other department so I can get that pay raise. What about you?" Y/N said

"That's awesome! I hope it goes very well for you. As for me, there more people coming to my gym session. I hope more people come in."

"Oh really now? Ok then when you gym glows in to be the best in the city don't forget about me." You said in a playful tone. Lee laughed and you two continued to talk to each other until the waitress came back with your drinks.

"Here you ok. I'll be back with your meals."

"Thank you." You both said.

You and Lee took a sip of your drinks and later,the waiter came back with your orders.

"Here is your Yakisoba Chicken and your Oyakodo. Please enjoy your meal and the ready of the night." She said and walked away.

"Wow this looks so good..." Lee said.

"Yeah..." You said and you both dug in. The rest of the night, you two enjoyed your meal and laugh. Lee payed the waiter and took you home. He arrived at your apartment and walked you to your door. You got your key out and was about to unlock it but instead you called out to him.

"Uh Lee..."

"Yes Y/N?"

"I really want to say thank you for taking me out these few weeks. I've had a wonderful time each day we've been on."

"I've enjoyed spending my days with you as well. I'm very lucky such a beautiful woman like you even said yes to me." Lee said which caused you to blush.

"Thank you. Look I know this isn't very traditional but...would you mind being my boyfriend?" Y/N asked. It looked as if Lee almost fainted from your statement and was red as a tomato.

"Yes!" He practically shouted.

You giggled and turned to unlock your door. Before you went in you gave him a kiss goodnight.

"Goodnight Lee, I'll see you next time hm?" Y/N said and closed the door.

"Good... night...Y/N..." Lee said and walked to his car in a calm state. That is until he got in the car and screamed out of happiness.

TatyanaSimmons I hope you like it. Thanks for your request.

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