Chapter 4

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Tori the vastness of space

We entered a lift and when it arrived at the large glass windows my mouth dropped open in amazement. I let go of Phirah's hand and ran towards the glass to look out at infinity. It was so beautiful. I pressed my hands against the curved glass and peered out at the amazing colors and bright stars. Ankol and Phirah stood next to me grinning over my fascination.

"Thank you, this is fantastic," I smiled at the pair. Ankol elbowed Phirah, whispering something and he chuckled back.

"Come sit, these rotate around the entire room," Phirah says to me and I go and sit next to him.

"Hey, I'm going to go and see Kuk and make sure that everything is ready for dinner," Ankol says. I nodded and waved at him as he left. Phirah leaned back and asked if I was ready and I nodded excitedly. He pushed a button and the seat started moving. I tucked my legs and watched as the universe passed my eyes. I glanced at Phirah and he was grinning happily at me. I felt him lay his arm behind my head and scooted closer to lean against him.

"This is nice, thank you," I say as I looked up at him. He looked so nervous, I felt bad for him.

"I was um, wondering if you would like to um, maybe go out with me some time," he mumbled softly and I nodded my head.

"I think I would like that," I smiled at him and he relaxed instantly. He pulled me closer and inhaled deeply. I patted his thigh and he turned red.

"How old are you," I asked curiously.

"I'm thirty, my day of birth was on the last cycle. I looked at him and something piqued my curiosity.

"You're not a full blood Ghauqrian are you," I state, certain of my claim. He grinned brightly and shook his head.

"Clever girl, no I'm a product of the reproductive project, my mother was of a different race and unfortunately died during my birth," he tells me calmly. He lifted his left bangs and his hidden iris was bright yellow outlined in green, it was pretty. I smiled at him and nodded, laying my head against his shoulder.

"Sorry about your mother," I mumbled softly and he squeezed me closer to his side. The trip around the entire room took several hours and Phirah and I had talked about all sorts of things. I realized I enjoyed his mind and he was easy to talk with. When the seat stopped he stood and offered me his hand. I took it happily and we left holding hands, walking back to the kitchen. Phirah bent down and told me he wanted to kiss me the next time we went out if I'd allow him. I eyed him curiously and shrugged, telling him I'd think about it and laughed at the look he gave me. Kuk was watching us closely and I waved at him as I headed out to the counter to serve dinner. I watched him shake his head and laugh at us. Dinner service went by smoothly without any drama and Zeran and Zun didn't show making me much happier.

An entire week had gone by without any incidents with Zun, I continued spending time with Phirah. We'd go to the observation room and ride around it every day, talking about life and our interests. He was very respectful and very shy and had only pecked my cheek or forehead. We talked a lot but had yet to go on an actual date. It was Friday, dinner service went by quickly and afterwards Phirah asked me if I'd like to take a walk with him through the indoor gardens. I agreed not even realizing the ship had one. I went to my room and told Dianna where I was headed.

"It will be quiet, no one goes there," Dianna tells me in our room as I changed into a clean white uniform.

"I'm not planning on having sex with him Dianna, we are just hanging out, he's an interesting guy," I say to her and she laughed.

"You have the hots for him, you can hardly keep your eyes off of him and talk about him constantly even Kuk has noticed," she grinned. I rolled my eyes.

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