Chapter 6

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Tori a brand new Phirah

It was several hours later when Phirah opened his eyes. My mouth dropped open seeing his irises were both yellow and outlined in green. They were beautiful and when they fell on me they glowed brightly. I could see his stripping was more noticeable, it ran up his arms and around his neck. He saw his father and nodded at him. A new air of confidence flowed off him and he stood to greet his father. Vazill smiled down at him and gave him a firm embrace.

"I'm going to be your second son, don't argue with me about it," he chuckled happily. Phirah was smiling and nodded his head.

"I'd be honored to have you fight by my side, father," he grinned and squeezed Vazill's biceps. Ankol slipped the headset on Vazill and told him to take a seat. Vazill sat and relaxed, leaning back against the cushions. Ankol entered the information and the process started once again with the commander. Ankol looked over at Phirah curiously.

"How are you feeling," he questioned curiously. Phirah chuckled and shrugged.

"Like I can kick everyone's ass aboard this ship," he grinned and winked, heading towards me. He pressed his lips to mine and kissed me softly.

"Love you my female," he grins and pecks my nose. He sat next to me and lifted me up on his lap. I leaned back against him and wrapped his arms around myself. Ankol looked over at us and chuckled.

"You both make an adorable couple," he says sincerely. Phirah kissed my cheek. Ankol hands him the response from Zun and he frowned slightly while reading it.

"Got any message glass handy, if not I'll write on the back of this," he says to Ankol. Ankol shook his head and Phirah turned it over and began writing upon it using his digits as a writing device.

"I'm telling them I look forward to their announcement of the time and that I intend to wed Tori," he smiled brightly and kissed the side of my head. Ankol laughed heartily and waved his finger at his friend.

"You're going to piss them off more to rattle them, they're probably wondering what game you're playing now. Everyone on this ship knows you're not a fighter, Phirah." He grinned knowing they all were in for a huge shock. Phirah got up and slipped the glass into a slot in the wall and pushed a button. A light showed and the glass disappeared. A few moments later a different piece of glass arrived in the same slot. Ankol hands it to Phirah and he chuckles as he reads it.

"No surprise his second is Zeran and our battle is scheduled tomorrow afternoon, should I tell them my second is the commander," he grins at Ankol nodding excitedly. Phirah responded and sent it back. A response arrived quicker than the last time and Ankol scanned the writing before handing it to Phirah.

"Our own weapons must be brought, none will be offered at the arena" Phirah rolled his eyes.

"I've got several and Kuk has a few you and your father can borrow," Ankol states casually. Phirah nodded and wrote back.

"I told them no quarters will be given," he stated firmly and Ankol whistled low, shaking his head.

"Fuck Phirah, you're really fucking with their minds saying that, hope it doesn't back fire on you and your father," he mumbled softly. We all looked at Vazill as he removed the headset. He blinked his orange eyes a few times and grinned.

"I actually have weapons of my own in storage, love you son," he grunted irritatedly and stood eyeing all of us, before walking out the door. Ankol went to check the handheld computer and furrowed his brow.

"It was only sixty percent completed, how did he even stop the implant," he muttered in confusion. Phirah frowned and eyed Ankol with concern.

"I think he heard our conversation, I heard everyone when they spoke during my implant," he says with a sigh. We all sat in confusion when alarms sounded throughout the ship. An announcement of an approaching hostile vessel made me bite my lip. Phirah hurried to the monitor on the wall and started to type in information. His eyes scanned across the screen and he'd type more. He pushed a button and yelled out.

"Commander, return to the bridge immediately we are about to be boarded by Netorian pirates." He pushed another button and announced it to the entire ship.

"I need to get to the command bridge to do the job of my father since he's missing," he yelled at us both. It was hard to even think with the alarms blaring. Ankol lifted me over his shoulder and told Phirah to haul ass and the three of us raced through the red glowing hallways to the command bridge. It took us ten minutes to get permission to enter and I sat on Ankol's lap and watched Phirah take command of the entire ship. He ordered shields to be put up and called for warriors to meet the uninvited guests at all the landing centers. A large monitor started to blink and Phirah accepted the incoming message. A large blueish creature with yellow eyes started speaking some unusual language and Phirah cocked his head, flashed his eyes and spoke the same language back in a harsher tone. The creature looked perplexed and nodded his head. Phirah ended the call and pressed the intercom.

"Crisis has been averted, return to your normal activities," he sighed and rubbed his eyes. Ankol and the others started clapping their hands and patting him on the back. He looked at me and grinned. The door to the bridge slid open and Vazill was being escorted by two other large males.

"Your father killed Zun and Zeran, leaving their impregnated females to him," they state and my eyes widened.

He looked at his father and asked why he'd done it.

"Because I love you son and I see you happy with Tori, you two need each other, good job with the Netorians, I do hope you enter the games, you'd make a fantastic commander," he smiled and patted the side of his face.

"What's going to happen to him," Phirah asked the two males. They shrugged and smiled.

"Not a damn thing, he's the commander and those two assholes deserved it," one said casually. Phirah chuckled and hugged his father.

"I'll go one time to the games and see how I do," he grinned and winked at his laughing father. Vizall turned to the two large males.

"Bring their females to my rooms so I can introduce myself," he said gravelly, not enthusiastic about it at all.

"Vizall, be careful of the brunette, she can be very vindictive," I tell him and he thanked me for the warning. Ankol, Phirah and I all left the bridge and headed back to Phirah's room. Ankol left us saying he'd see us later. We just went to Phirah's and laid together on his large bed. He kissed me softly a few times and yawned. I smiled at him and snuggled against him laying my head on his shoulder.

"Goodnight, love you," I mumbled softly and he grins and nods closing his eyes.

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