Chapter 20

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Tori living with Linga

I slept pretty well on the couch and stretched my legs out. I sat up and stretched my arms and saw Linga walking down the stairs with a smile on his face.

"Come see your room Tori, I finished it," he said happily and offered me his hand.

"That had your cock in it last night, mister," I snickered and elbowed him lightly. He laughed sarcastically and rolled his eyes. He grabbed my hand anyways and pulled me up the stairs. He pushed me softly into the room and my eyes widened. It was stunning, there was a bed, table and small red couch. All the colors were warm and inviting. My eyes watered and I turned to him and hugged him tightly.

"It's beautiful Linga and exactly what I love," I cried and he eyed me strangely.

"Do you like it, if so why are you crying," he asked me curiously. I laughed and kissed him passionately.

"I love you," I mumbled softly and kissed him deeply. His eyes were wide and he chuckled happily.

"I love you too Tori," he said softly and kissed me deeply in return rubbing himself intimately against me. He held me close and smiled.

"Phirah has invited us both to share a meal with him and his wife, I told him I'd ask you before accepting," he says softly.

"Sure, why not, they are your family," I smiled back and he pressed me firmly to himself and gave me a weak in the knees kiss, that had me wanting him desperately. I nibbled on his bottom lip and he hissed at me. I grinned slightly knowing what it meant.

"I hope you agree to marry me soon or you're going to kill me with my building desire," He moaned softly and lifted me up against himself and kissed me passionately. Holy crap, he might be shorter than the others but it made up for it in his erotic kisses. My heart was pounding when he lowered me to the floor. He smiled devilishly and swatted my butt.

"Let's go make you an outfit," he grinned and held my hand as he led me to his room. I sat on his bed while he fiddled with the clothes making device.

"I can just wash what I have," I mumbled and he shook his head.

"Go in that box over on the dresser and pick out a ring for me to wear," he says grinning at me. I shrugged and lifted the metal box. Inside were several different mens rings.

"Why do you have so many rings," I asked curiously and he chuckled.

"Pirate, remember," he smiled brightly and I rolled my eyes. I found one I liked and presented it to him. He took it and slid it onto his ring finger.

"Perfect fit even, it's lovely, like you," he smiled and handed me the outfit.

"Go change and will take my watercraft to Phirah's," he says simply. I changed quickly in the bathroom and was surprised by the metallic blue color and intricate designs covering the knee length dress. It was very beautiful. I exited and my eyes widened seeing Linga wearing the same color outfit as mine.

"Are we matching outfits now," I grinned slightly.

"We are playing the part of a happily wedded couple, is the matching too much," he grimaced when I nodded. He sighed and started stripping in front of me. He turned and I gazed at his tight buttocks and smiled.

"You have a nice ass," I tell him. He wiggled it and looked back at me with a smile.

"Now you're just acting like one," I laughed and told him to get dressed. He threw on his normal clothes and wrapped his arm around my waist leading me to the wall. He raised his hand and pressed it firmly against the bubble. An opening appeared. He told me to wait while he got his vehicle. I watched him pull up next to me and I sat down behind him. We flew across the lake and my hair was a windblown mess. I ran my fingers through it as he stepped off his vehicle, lifted me into his arms and carried me to the beach. Linga kissed me softly and set me down. Smiling happily, he held my hand as we walked together up to Phirah's door. He knocked and Phirah opened the door and smiled seeing us both. Phirah hugged his uncle and spoke Netorian to him. I watched Linga hold up his ringed finger and grin brightly. I chuckled softly and let him wrap his arm around my waist as we entered.

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