Chapter 8

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Tori the new acting Commander

We waited in the blood soaked room until the cleaning crew came. I went back and sat in Vizall's living room while they did their work. I felt bad for my friend, although we had a falling out I'd never would have wanted her death. A stray tear fell down my cheek, the only grief that I would show for her was wiped away quickly. I watched them carry the dark plastic bags containing the remains of both women. Phirah glanced at me as he held the elevator type door open for them. They returned quickly with large machines to clean the mess.

"It's Monday Tori, you need to get to the breakfast service," Phirah says sadly. I frowned and looked up at him.

"I'm off it while I'm doing the commander work, Ankol will be there and help you," he says grudgingly. I nodded my head and got up to leave. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me softly.

"Come back here when you're finished, we'll be staying here during my coverage," he tells me calmly and pecks my forehead. I grin slightly and head to the kitchen, hearing him yell out he loves me, I laughed softly. I go to my room and change my uniform and head to the steel counter to set up. Ankol was bringing out containers.

"Hey Tori, how's everything," he asked curiously. I shrugged, tying up my hair.

"Phirah's the new acting commander," I state casually. He chuckled, "I know dear, they announced it to the entire ship." I eyed him strangely, I hadn't heard it at all.

"The games are going to happen this coming weekend, is he going to enter them," Ankol questioned curiously.

"I imagine so, since he's planning on growing his hair out," I mumbled softly, not really in the mood for conversation. Ankol laughed heartily and elbowed me.

"I'll leave you alone, you look distracted," he smiled down at me. I nodded my head and grabbed my ladle. Ankol grabbed two and stood at my side. The line started and the pair of us finished the breakfast service quickly. I helped carry the empty containers back to the kitchen and sat at the table rubbing my forehead. Ankol sets a bowl of what looked like oatmeal and a spoon in front of me. I looked up at him and he's smiling at me.

"Eat Tori and let your worries diminish," he says sincerely. I nodded and started to eat. I looked at Ankol and chewed on my bottom lip.

"Phirah changed from the implant physically," I mumbled softly and Ankol eyed me strangely.

"His eyes, stripes and um, private parts, are all different, his behavior is more domineering as well," I say softly. Ankol nodded his head and smiled.

"It's from his mother's race, he's unlocked his true self, they're a strong race of warriors and very committed to those they love, he loves you Tori, everything will be alright," he states sincerely and patted my head. I laughed and nodded, continuing to eat my breakfast. The man himself sauntered in and sat down next to me wrapping his arms around my waist and setting me down on his lap. He kissed my cheek and smiled at Ankol.

"Games are this weekend are you entering yourself," Ankol asked curiously. Phirah nuzzled my neck and kissed my cheek.

"I'm still thinking about it, I don't want to upset Tori," he said softly and I grinned slightly. I glanced up at him trying to imagine him with long hair and braids, he'd look a lot like a smaller version of his father with different colored eyes.

"I told you I'd support whatever choice you made Phirah," I tell him flatly. He smiled brightly and nodded at Ankol telling him to sign him up for the tournament. I chuckled softly and felt Phirah's bulge under my ass.

"Are you always horny," I whispered softly at him. He smiled brightly and nodded. He tickled my sides and kissed my neck.

"It's just my tentacles love, they protect my package," he whispered softly into my ear. I giggled from his breath tickling my ear.

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