Chapter 9

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Tori alien slave traders

Phirah went into a locker and grabbed a weapon similar to the ones I'd seen them have on earth and grabbed my arm. He handed it to me and told me to go to his father and stay with him in his room.

"Shoot anything that tries to enter his room that doesn't look like us," he states firmly. He kissed my forehead and slapped my butt to get me going. I ran quickly to the medical facility and rushed into Vazill's room. He was sitting upright and pointing a gun at me. He grinned and lowered it.

"This fucking sucks ass," he sneers bitterly.

"Can you help me find Ankol, Phirah's really upset about him right now," I mumbled softly and he nodded his head. He gestured his head towards the monitor on the wall and said to enter a series of symbols. I did and heard a low beeping sound.

"If he's there he'll answer it, he might be fighting Tori, you and Phirah shouldn't think the worse," he says solemnly. I nodded and pushed the button to end the call. I sat on the bed next to Vizall's feet and waited.

"What do these Dracucian aliens want," I asked curiously.

"Breeders and workers they sell us as slaves, they've never blown up our ship though, they must be desperate for income, can you hand me that device over there," he asked softly. I hand him the oblong device and he presses numerous buttons.

"Hey father, what's up," Phirah says irritatedly.

"Do a lock down, it will keep them trapped in separate sections," Vizall states and Phirah chuckled. A different alarm sounded and loud thumping was heard throughout the ship.

"Now do a heat scan for a lower temperature and you'll see where they are all located," Vizall states.

"Thanks dad, I got them all on my screen, should we capture them or destroy them," he asked and Vizall laughed.

"You're the commander, you get to decide that, how many are there," he asked curiously.

"Oh, around ten remaining I'd say, I could use them to fix the damaged areas, they are clever in that knowledge, I'll see if they give up willingly, love you Tori, over and out," Phirah says before ending communications. I rolled my eyes and laughed. Vizall was grinning as well. An hour later Phirah entered the room and hugged me tightly.

"Ankol," I questioned him and he smiled.

"Everyone in the kitchens is fine, Ankol was fighting against them and had captured one," he says happily.

"They gave up willingly and are going to be working on our repairs, they seem like a reasonable lot, also mentioned that the explosion was an error on their part and destroyed their cruiser with their commander on board," he tells his father.

"I assume that they want to join us permanently now, due to not having a ship to return to," Vazill rolled his eyes and sighed.

"What a mixed lot we are," he laughed softly.

"Yes father and unfortunately they are all males," Phirah mumbled softly. I questioned him with my eyes and he shrugged.

"Just what this ship needs is more testosterone," I mumbled sarcastically. Phirah grabbed my hand and asked if I wanted to see what the Dracucian looked like. I shrugged and allowed him to take me to the lower part of the ship to a large bunker area where numerous cots were being set up. He pulled me to a room and told me to look inside. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped open.

"Those are male," I mumble confused. They were tall and lean with scaled skin but had long wavy hair and large voluptuous breasts. I eyed him strangely and he laughed.

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