Chapter 21

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Tori building stronger bonds

When I woke the following day I was in a soft warm bed. I opened my eyes and saw the inside of Linga's spaceship. I grinned and stretched sitting up. Where did that man go, I wondered as I jumped off the bed and looked out the window. We were still at the lake. I could see the destroyed bubble home and a large scaled dead niekro laying in the water. That's going to smell horrible as it decays, I say inside my mind. I see Phirah and Linga standing on the beach speaking to each other. I smiled at Linga's short stature compared to Phirah. He was the perfect height for me. I turned and looked around for something to wear. I find an emerald green robe and wrap it around myself. I pushed the hatch open and headed around the lake toward the talking pair. They both saw me approach and Linga's eyes brightened at me.

"My rescuer has awakened," Linga grinned and opened his arms. I ran into his embrace and kissed his face all over, thrilled that he was alright. He chuckled softly and hugged me tightly.

"Phirah was correct, love, I would have been okay resting at the bottom of the lake," he said softly. I shook my head not caring.

"I just wanted you by my side, sorry for my rude behavior Phirah," I mumbled softly as my arms remained around Linga. Linga kissed my cheek and said he was going to haul the dead beast away from the area before it started decomposing too badly.

"The natives might eat its meat, we can ask and take it to them," I suggested and they both nodded.

"I'll contact the settlement and ask," Phirah says before heading back into his home. Linga glanced at me with a big grin on his handsome face.

"What," I asked softly. He laughed softly and hugged me.

"Someone mentioned that you said you loved me," he says softly in my ear. He pulled back and looked at me. I chewed on my lips and looked into his bright eyes.

"I might have said something like that," I grinned slightly. He rubbed his thumb against my cheek.

"I also heard that you wept for me," he said softly, staring into my eyes. I nodded my head and looked down. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly.

"I love you too, Tori, I realize that it's only been a few days, but I feel connected to you," he sighed softly and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you for caring about me," he grinned and rubbed my chin. I smiled back at him and nodded my head. Phirah came back outside and said the settlement would be thankful for the extra meat. Linga clapped his hands and rubbed them together. "You can help me connect cables around it and I can fly it to them," he says to Phirah. Both men headed to Linga's ship and I sat on the beach and watched them. Baia waddled down to the beach and asked me what was going on. I explained it all and she shivered slightly.

"That reminds me of what happened to us," she grimaced and I nodded. We watched both men strip and jump in the water carrying long cables. They trussed the large animal, tying its legs together. Linga swam to his ship and hovered it above the water as Phirah hooked the cable to the craft. He stood on the niekro and lifted his thumb. Linga started flying upward, Phirah and the beast started to rise up from the water. My eyes widened at the actual size of it. Baia put her hand to her mouth when Phirah dived off back into the lake. He swam quickly to us and walked into his house. He brought out his communications device and told Linga the coordinates of the settlement. We watched him fly away slowly. The niekro's long leathery tail swung against the trees making his ship wobble. I rubbed my eyes and prayed he'd make it there without crashing.

"He'll be okay Tori," Phirah smiled down at me and I nodded. Baia asked me if I wanted breakfast and I nodded and followed after her into her home. She actually prepared a fresh meal and I wondered if all the Netorians were good cooks. The meal was delicious and I complimented her. She smiled happily.

"I'm sure my uncle has prepared meals for the two of you," she grinned slyly and I nodded.

"He's a very fine cook," I smiled and she giggled. The joke or whatever was over my head and I eyed her suspiciously. Baia blinked her eyes and explained that Netorian men cook for the female they are interested in and want to have their children with.

"It's a very high honor especially with someone who is as powerful as Linga," she winked and I turned red. I nodded my head and smiled. We ate in silence and when Linga knocked on the door I exhaled deeply. He walked in happily and came to my side.

"I rebuilt our bubble, I made a few changes, do you want to come check them out," he asked as his fingers kneaded my shoulders. I looked down at his fingers and saw the ring was still there. I glanced up at him and said I'd love to see what he's done. He picked me up and told them goodbye as we exited their home. I heard Baia tell Phirah that she'd never seen her uncle behave this way before. I smiled at that.

"I'll breathe for us again," he states firmly and pressed his mouth over mine. I held on tightly as he shot across the water and up to our inside deck. He jumped up with me in his arms. I looked around and noticed the second story was gone.

"I put your bedroom next to mine, for safety reasons," he said gravelly and I laughed softly. I walked around and noticed subtle changes. Things were looking more like his other bubble home.

"I like it, it's beautiful, great work Linga," I smiled and looked into my room. It was perfect like the upstairs one. I smiled at the vase filled with flowers and the poem now in a glass frame sitting next to them. I glanced at Linga and it looked like he was blushing. I stood in front of him and touched his cheek.

"Are you blushing or are you not feeling well," I asked with concern. He grinned and grabbed my hand.

"I'm fine, it was just the look in your eyes when you gazed at your new room that got me, um, heated," he mumbled embarrassed. I smiled and kissed his cheek, causing him to darken more. I hugged him tightly and thanked him. He looked down at my wet robe and smiled.

"You should go and get dressed, there are several outfits in that dresser I've made for you," he says shyly and I smiled and kissed his cheek. I turned and opened the drawer seeing the blue dress I'd left on Phirah's beach. I smiled and dug deeper seeing a beautiful green colored one. I pulled it out and shimmied off the wet robe and slipped the dress over my naked self. I turned and Linga was gritting his teeth and his eyes were glowing. I walked up to him and patted his dark cheek.

"It's nothing you haven't seen before dear," I mumbled softly and walked past him to the living room. I giggled hearing him hiss loudly.

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