Chapter 10

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Tori Ankol's new girl/boyfriend

I told Phirah that we should make a double date with Ankol and Maddock. I told him it would be for support but actually I was just plain curious. He said he'd ask after he saw the recon crew off to the planet we were orbiting. He left to deal with the launch and I hurried to the bathroom to shower and change. I finished with everything and the door chimed. I went to answer it and Ankol and his friend were standing there. I smiled and let them both inside, being sure to keep my distance from Maddock.

"I'm very sorry for what I did to you young female, I hope you can forgive me," he said softly and I nodded my head.

"May I use your release room," he asked, I nodded my head and showed him the way. I eyed Ankol with a raised brow. He grinned at me.

"Is his dick bigger than yours," I asked curiously with a giggle. Ankol turned red and rolled his eyes.

"Have you, you know, done it with him/her," I mumbled softly and he smiled and turned reder. I covered my mouth and chuckled. Ankol wasn't inexperienced any longer. Maddock came back to the living room and sat next to Ankol and kissed his cheek. I looked at him and realized that he looked like an attractive female. His face was pretty with big dark eyes and pale tiny scales.

"I'm happy for you both, are you going to have children," I asked curiously and they both grinned slightly. Phirah entered and his eyes widened seeing the couple.

"Ankol I was going to call you and see if you wanted to go on a double date with us. I believe the gardens are a perfect place for us to go," he says and comes to pull me to his side. Ankol looked over at Maddock and they both stood and looked ready to come along. So we all went to the garden and walked the path. Phirah pulled me off to a grassy area and started kissing me softly. I glanced over at Ankol and Maddock and they were embraced heatedly. Ankol already had his lips against his breasts and was rubbing himself against his leg. I felt my suit being removed and Phirah licked down my chest. Maddock was nude and Ankol was thrusting into him. I saw his cock, it was huge and hard but Ankol was to focused on the other sex organ to even care. Phirah thrusts begin and I start moaning loudly. I glanced at Maddock and he's watching me intently while jerking himself off. I closed my eyes and got lost in Phirah's movements, not caring I had an audience. I orgasmed brutally and he released powerfully. I held him tightly and glanced at Ankol finishing in Maddock. Maddock was kissing him passionately and running his fingers through Ankol's hair.

"You're so naughty watching those two," Phirah laughed softly nipping at my lips.

"It was very interesting and stimulating in an odd way," I sighed and kissed him softly. He grinned and pulled out dressing himself quickly. He helped me with my clothes and pulled me up against him to kiss me romantically. The other couple was also standing there awkwardly.

"That was intense and I think we are going to head back to my rooms now, see you both around," Ankol says and pulled Maddock behind him as he left quickly. We both raised our brows and watched him hurry away.

"What was that about," I mumbled curiously and Phirah shrugged confused as well.

"Maybe he's going to let Maddock mount him," I laughed sarcastically and Phirah grinned slightly and nodded. We headed back to the commander's rooms and were only just getting ready to sit when the door chimes. Phirah answered and Ankol was there asking if he could speak with him a bit. Phirah asked him to come inside and he shook his head asking him to come with him. He looked at me and I waved him to go. He frowned and left. I sat and leaned back. The door chimed again and I frowned and went to answer it. I opened it and Maddock rushed in and kissed me passionately. My mind instantly went fuzzy and he continued to lick and bite my neck. My clothes were torn away and I felt him pushing inside of me. I looked up at him grinning happily and my mouth hung open as he buried his huge hard cock in me. Fuck it felt way to big and I waved my numb arms against him to stop as he pumped repeatedly into my heat. He kissed me more deeply and he buried himself completely. I screamed loudly and he covered my mouth as his thrust continued. I wonder what was taking Phirah so long. Maddock rammed into me hard and I felt him climax deeply. He licked my neck and mouth. He was pulsating inside me draining himself completely.

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