Chapter 12

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Tori beautiful planet, romantic alien

We traversed through the trees and had journeyed quite a ways. When Ankol stopped I ran into his sweaty back. He turned and laughed at me. He nodded in front of himself and my eyes widened at the beautiful waterfall and blue pond. He started peeling off his pants and dipped his foot in the water. He grinned and dove in. He surfaced with wet hair looking so damn sexy. I pulled the dress off and jumped in splashing him. It was about six feet deep and I had to tread water to keep my mouth above the water. Ankol walked to me and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He looked at me with so much love I pressed my lips to his and kissed him softly.

"This is a freaking dream," he sighed and deepened the kiss. I could see that he was hard, the head bobbing in the water. He started walking towards the bank and set me down. He wedged himself between my legs and started kissing my neck and shoulders, his hands caressed my breasts and back. He pushed in slowly and methodically. We both stared at each other as we came together as one. He lifted me up and down on himself and I licked and kissed his neck. When his speed increased I orgasmed and I yelled out I loved him. He spilled himself within me and laid back in the water with me laying on top. He swam around the pond as our high dwindled.

"Why aren't we sinking," I asked curiously.

"My mother was a water race of aliens, like Phirah, I thought his tentacles would have been a dead giveaway, I can breathe underwater as well, but Phirah couldn't, genetics are strange," he says with a smile. I smiled at him and wiggled up to kiss his cheek. I laid on his stomach while he made his rounds around the blue water. He finally stopped and tilted his head. He stood and looked up at the sky.

"There's a storm coming, lots of rain, we better find shelter," he frowned slightly and lifted me out of the water. I wrung out my hair and put the dress back on. Ankol dressed and lifted me into his arms and started running a different way than the transport. I eyed him strangely and he looked down at me and smiled. I looked ahead and saw the small cave.

"Hope nothing lives in that," I mumbled softly and held on as Ankol started grabbing pieces of wood as we neared the opening. He sat me down with the wood and gathered armfuls more. I started making a frame with the sticks and got a flat piece of wood and rubbed the stick in the indent. I need kindling and grab some dry weeds. I put them next to my stick and rubbed it quickly and after a few attempts smoke started to appear. I cheered myself and started a small fire. Ankol brought in another armful and eyed me curiously as if asking how I'd managed.

"Survival training," I winked and he laughed. He pushed the extra wood to the side and leaned back against the stone wall. He opened his arms and I snuggled against him. He kissed the top of my head as thunder started to crash overhead. The sky darkened and flashes of lightning brightened where it flowed. I wrapped his arms around myself and looked outside.

"Hope everyone else is okay," I mumbled softly and he chuckled. "They will be fine sweetheart." The wind started to pick up and Ankol tore the bottom of my dress and wrapped it around the end of a stick. He stuck it in the fire and told me to get up. He grabbed an armful of wood and ventured further into the cave. We stopped away from the howling wind. Ankol started a larger fire and went back for the rest of the wood.

"Think we're stuck here for a while, what should we do," he grinned at me and opened his arms. I sat on his lap and leaned against his chest. He kissed my cheek and told me he loved me very much. He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. I laid within his warm arms closing mine too. I had fallen asleep and woke with a start. Ankol was looking at me with a big smile on his face. I could see the bright sunlight at the cave opening. I eyed him curiously and he shrugged.

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