Chapter 19

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Tori dealing with the ex and Linga's promise

"Phirah is home now," he said simply and walked to his other window and frowned," Ankol is at his home too." He rubbed his eyes and set a cup of coffee in front of me, looking upset.

"I suppose I should speak with him," I mumbled sadly and took a sip of the warm brew. He watched me curiously and sighed deeply.

"I can take you there quickly," he says irritatedly. I looked down at myself and chewed on my lip.

"Do you have a clothes maker, if you do, could you make me something to wear," I asked him softly and he grinned.

"I'll need to touch you for your measurements," he says simply and takes a drink, his eyes watching me intently. I shrugged. We finished our drinks and Linga told me to follow him into his room. He opened a box and pulled out a metallic device. He stood in front of me, our eyes almost at the same level. I looked up at him as he placed his hands on my shoulders and skimmed his hands slowly down my sides and over my hips. I swallowed as his eyes bore down into mine. He pulled me closer and bent over. His mouth hovered over mine. He pressed his lips to mine and kissed me softly. My heart was racing and I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen it. That soul stopping feeling coursed through me and I shivered slightly from its intensity. Linga pulled away and his brow was furrowed. He sighed painfully and turned to the machine and began pushing buttons. He ran his fingers through his hair and sat on the edge of his bed. I chewed on my lip, wondering what was wrong with him. The material finished and he hands it to me.

"Um, thanks," I mumble softly and head to the bathroom to change. I put it on and grin and the sexy outfit. Whatever were you thinking, I chuckled to myself and looked in the mirror at the snug outfit that dipped low on my chest. I laughed and exited the bathroom. Linga left his bedroom so I headed to the living room to see him sitting on the couch. His eyes followed me into the room and he stood.

"Are you ready to go, I will stay outside in case you want to leave," he says plainly and I nodded my thanks. I jumped in the water and held my breath as I swam underneath the bubble. I broke the surface and treaded water until Linga wrapped his arm around my waist and we shot across the lake. I looked at him in awe and remembered that he can over exert himself. He seemed fine and we walked out of the lake together.

"Should I knock or just walk inside," I asked Linga. He grinned and shrugged. So I knocked on the door. Ankol opened it and looked down at the both of us. I could see Delia dressed in a robe in the back of him.

"Hey, guess you're going to be with her now," I mumbled softly and he tilted his head and looked at Linga.

"Yes, Tori we're a couple, are married and having our own children," he responded firmly. I saw the ring on his finger and scowled bitterly.

"Nice fucking ring, guess it's real, unlike the fake bullshit marriage thing we had," I snapped and he looked down at my hands and cocked his brow.

"Tori, look at your fingers, you're married now as well and I can only assume it's with my uncle, leave me and my wife alone, go enjoy your life, goodbye," he mumbled harshly and shut the door in my face. I started crying, damn emotional bullshit. I started taking the rings off my fingers and handed them all back to Linga. He looked down at me and up to Ankol's house and pursed his lips. I went to the beach, laid my head down on my arms and rested it on my knees. Linga sat next to me and rubbed my back.

"I'm so tired of being deceived, on earth it's pretty normal but I thought it would be different in space, men are assholes everywhere," I mumble sadly.

"We are not all deceiving and hurtful,Tori," he snapped angrily. I looked at him with tear stained eyes and sniffed.

"I suppose not, you seem different," I told him flatly and he smiled and nodded.

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