Chapter 11

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Tori where is Phirah

It's been an entire thirty fucking days and Phirah hasn't returned. Ankol got a hold of the recon crew and Phirah never arrived on the planet. Ankol and I were both perplexed wondering where he went. I contacted Vazill and he contacted the officers to find out what happened to his transport, when they got back to him we discovered that he programmed it to return to the Ghauqrian home plant. I was fucking pissed, I'm supposed to wait forty fucking years for him to return. I'd be sixty three years old. I was crying on Ankol's couch.

"Why would he do that and not bother to tell anyone," I mumbled sadly. Ankol sat down next to me and rubbed my back.

"I don't know what he was thinking, it is fucking bullshit," he says irritatedly. I turned and opened my arms needing a hug. Ankol wrapped his arms around me and lifted me to his lap and held me tightly as I cried softly into his shoulder.

"I'm going to be an old woman when and if he returns," I sobbed and Ankol wiped my tears away. He held my chin and looked down at me in all seriousness.

"I will marry you and take care of you, if you like," he grinned slightly and I actually started to laugh softly. I hugged his neck and kissed his cheek. His eyes widened and he chuckled at me. I laid against his chest and sobered myself. I was still confused by Phirah that dumbass.

"I'm going to go talk to Vazill for a bit, I'll be back shortly," I told him flatly and got up to leave. He watched me curiously as I headed out the door to the medical facility. I entered Vazill's room and saw him getting fitted with a robotic suit.

"Finally going to be able to move around, I see," I smiled and he winked at me. They screwed it on him and he chuckled taking a couple steps.

"Ankol just told me he'd marry and take care of me, what do you think Vazill," I asked curiously. He raised a brow at me and shrugged. He just wanted to go to the planet to see how the progress was coming with our new city.

"I know you loved Phirah and he might never return, follow your heart. You could stay with me if you wanted," he smirked and I eyed him strangely.

"I don't think I'd desire you doing me with your robotic cock Vizall," I mumbled frankly. His eyes widened and he burst into a hearty bout of laughter. He nodded and laughed more.

"Follow what your heart wants Tori, I consider you both good friends and respect your judgment, now if you don't mind I'm going to take over commander of this vessel and check the progress of our new city." I watched him leave and head towards the bridge. I went to the garden and walked the path to think about everything. I headed past the weird vegetables and walked past the flowers, remembering Phirah taking me here, my memories fell down my cheek and I wiped them away with my fingers. I walked up to a large tree and sat down, leaning back against it. I sighed sadly and rubbed my eyes.

"Hey, are you going to be okay," Ankol asked curiously walking from behind another tree. I grinned and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm a tough old cookie, surprisingly," I mumbled softly and he chuckled softly. He sat down next to me and looked up at the fake sky.

"You know I always thought you were beautiful, I remember telling you that the first time you worked the counter," he says sincerely. I nodded, remembering it.

"I um, actually I fell in love with you after that but you and Phirah seemed enamored with each other so I backed away," he states softly. I glanced at him curiously.

"Why did you do that," I question him.

"I read something about letting go of the ones you love and if they come back then they're meant to be, something on that order, Phirah knew how I felt about you but he wanted you for himself," he tells me and looks down at me. I chewed on my lip and nodded.

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