Chapter 15

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Tori bad alien animals and mothers

That night I slept like shit. Whatever was doing the growling had gotten super close to our home and left huge clawed tracks on the beach.

"It was probably just getting a drink," Ankol stated simply and I nodded, agreeing completely, not wanting to think it was stalking us.

"But for safety I think we should remain in doors during the night," he added firmly. He used his communications device to contact Phirah and to warn him about the alien creature around our home. Phirah said he heard nothing but would keep an ear open. Later that day a few of the Ghauqrian males had stopped by and told Ankol that three of the others were missing and their females were worried about them after hearing low growls. They said the natives called them niekro and say they are large carnivores that enjoy alien flesh. I gagged a little in my mouth at the news. I'd actually camped out in the wilderness and shuddered thinking about what could have happened. Ankol thanked our visitors and told them to have a safe journey back. He went to his closet and grabbed his gun and changed the settings to a killing pulse. We sat in the living room after dinner and watched the sunset. Ankol sat me in his lap and nibbled on my neck. He was such a lusty man. I stretched and laid my head on his shoulder. There was a pounding at our door and Ankol sighed irritatedly getting up to answer it. He opened it and Baia rushed inside and started yelling angrily at Ankol. His eyes squinted and he glanced at me.

"Phirah's gone missing," he groaned painfully as his sister continued to ramble on. He grabbed her arms and brought her to the couch. He tells her he'll go look for him and I balked loudly.

"Why are you going to risk your life for him, he's the idiot that went off into the woods by himself," I mumbled frantically. He rubbed his eyes and frowned.

"Tori, he's my family member, I can't leave him out there all alone," he sighed regretfully. My eyes watered seeing the sun setting.

"You better come back alive damn it," I mumbled sadly and he hugged me tightly.

"I'll be super careful, promise," he said softly and kissed me deeply before putting his gun in his waistband and heading outside. I watched him disappear into the trees and wiped the tears from my eyes. Baia was sobbing softly and I patted her back and told her they'd be alright which was difficult when I was filled with anxiety myself. When the sky darkened completely I watched the tree line constantly looking for Ankol's glow. I was getting up when I heard the distinct low growls and quickly turned off all the lights. I looked out the window and my mouth dropped open at the enormous lizard-like creature rummaging through our yard. Baia screamed loudly and it looked at my house. It started walking closer and sniffs around the door and growled deeply. It vibrated the walls. I grabbed Baia and covered her mouth with my hand. The niekro had its eye up against the window trying to look inside. I slowly moved to a blind spot dragging Baia with me. I looked out the door and see Ankol's glowing stripes approaching and the niekro had gone still. He's not going to know that it's there. I told Baia to stay there and be quiet as I rushed to the monitor and dialed Ankol.

"Hey love, what's up, " he jokes.

"There's a niekro right outside the house, run to the lake and dive deep," I yelled at him and watched as he hightailed it across the landscape and dove into the water, Phirah was following right behind him. I exhaled the breath I was holding and the house shook. Baia was bawling and I told her to be quiet. She muffled her sobs and the niekro continued to walk around the house and look inside the windows. I sunk to the floor and hid in the kitchen. I grabbed Baia's hand and pulled her to me. We both scrambled under the table and huddled there together as the beast shook the house several more times.

"We need to remain quiet, it will get bored of waiting and leave," I told her bluntly and she nodded.

"Phirah's safe with your brother too, I saw them go into the lake," I say softly and she perked up and smiled brightly. It was several hours before the niekro finally left the area. Baia and I had fallen asleep against each other and that's how Ankol and Phirah found us when they walked in.

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