arriving at the park

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Lena's: POV
We pulled up to the park it didn't appeared to crowded. Stef and I exit the vehicle, Stef walked towards the back of the car. to grab a blanket and a picnic basket, Stef asked me could I carry the quilt. We headed down
Looking for a spot to lay our belongings, there was a section not to far away to the stage which was perfect. I open up the big throw and spread it out on the grass. We took our places, on the blanket. An hour later, people started to arrive
The band begin playing music
Stef passed me a tray with assorted fruits and veggies. I sat with my legs crossed, l listen to each instrument

Stef's: POV
Where at the park enjoying ourselves
Listening to jazz music being played
I brought us some refreshments
Because I heard the food at the stand
is a little pricey. Lena's wearing this fragrance that's blowing me away
I can't seem to take my eyes off her
What she says to me, nothing l replied back. Now l'm embarrassed she caught me staring at her, l look straight ahead. I started laughing
At what channing said earlier
Stephanie what's so funny, Lena asks me. What channing said before we left, Stef replies. Oh yeah channing is very over protected over me. Lena replied, no worries I understand how she feels. I'm not here to break your heart, l don't wish that on my worst
Enemy. Stef tells Lena. Lena just nods her head, we continue watching the concert. Lena reached down to take my hand in hers, l wink at her
She's smiles at me. I look notice couples, cuddled up with each other
Lena looks over to see what l'm looking at. The band takes a brief intermission, Lena gets up to stretch her legs. So I stand to my feet

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