The twins birthday

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Lena's: POV
Lena was up bright and early
On Saturday morning. Today was Channing and Amar'e's birthday,
Both girls were already up and dressed ready for the day ahead
Lena gifted both her daughter's
With gold and silver heart locket necklaces, symbolizing strength
Love and tranquility. Lena explained
The meaning of the hearts, Channing a little older understood the significance and the history behind the necklace. Amar'e'admired her beautiful charm, Lena had more presents in store for her girls
That's why she gave the heart lockets first, it was only eight in the morning
Lena made sure the house was clean before they headed out for the morning. The phone has been ringing non stop, channing and Amar'e''s friends had called to wish them a happy birthday. The calls had eventually died down after an hour
Lena looked at the time on her watch
It was going on 8:30am, Lena knows they need to get going. They appointment at the barbie day spa at 9 am, they all headed out the house
Lena locked up her home. The car door was already unlocked, channing took her usual spot in front. While Amar'e'sat in the back seat, Lena gotten into the driver side of the vehicle. She buckle up and started up the car, and pulled out of the driveway. Lena put on her sun glasses
Due to the sun shining bright, the weather was cool but not hot yet
The girls were dressed comfortablely
Lena wore a pair of jeans and a shirt
Lena turned on the radio. to replaced the quietness, it didn't take them long to arrive at their destination. Lena parked the car in the front parking space, she turned off the vehicle
Channing was the first one to speak
Mommy are we still going out to breakfast. Channing asks her mother
Yes baby where still having our tranditional birthday breakfast,
We've been doing this for years
I wouldn't dare change up the routine
Lena said. That statement had been on Amar'e's mind as well, Lena saw the owner of the spa unlock the door
Lena and the girls exited the car
Lena pushed the button on her keys to lock all the doors. They headed inside the building, Lena got channing and Amar'e'' checked in at the front desk. Lena asked her daughter's what they wanted to get done, Amar'e'said she wanted a facial
Pedicure and manicure. Then Channing requested the same, service
Lena was relieved both girls agreed
On something, usually they would argue about who would get what
Tiffany was one of the technicians
Called Amar'e'back. Amar'e'told Tiffany what treatment she was getting, Tiffany made Amar'e'pick out the nail polish wanted to use
Amar'e' choose a color that would match her gown for the evening

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