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Stef's: POV
Stef was at home in her office
Doing some last minute paperwork
For Francesca's camp registration forms. Frankie went to her morning swimming lessons at The ymca with her uncle Brandon. Stef hopes Lena
And the girls received the surprise
She found the restaurant they were having breakfast at, and paid the check. Stef already brought channing and Amar'e''s birthday presents
A few months back, Stef was paying her bills on line. Thoughts of Lena filled her mind, she was ready for a full time commitment with Lena and hopes she feels the same. They have been dating for nine months, things were getting serious between the two women. Stef purchased a promise ring for Lena, Stef wasn't sure when she was going to give it to Lena
They were planning on getting together for a trip to palm springs
For the weekend. Stef doesn't want
Lose Lena, her last relationship failed
Because of lies and cheating
It took Stef took four years to get over the heartbreak and pain. Stef worked with a therapist to work through some deep rooted issues, Stef found out. A lot about herself in therapy
Stef made a vowed not to let her guard down, again but with Lena
She felt comfortable in her presence
Lena was strong willed. She was not a shame of being affectnate in public
Stef saw a side to Lena she was draw to, Lena made a lasting impression on Frankie. Stef seen Frankie take to somebody so fast,

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