Table for two

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Lena's: POV
Lena and Stef just arrived at the hard rock cafe restaurant. Where the waitress showed them to their seats
Lena's looking at her menu, Stef's eyes glaze around the place. She heard stories about the hard rock cafe
But it looked better in person than it did online, Stef put on her eye glasses
to look at the dinner selections
Stef notice they had stuffed crab her favorite. Babe you mind if I order a beer, Stef asks Lena. Stef you don't need to ask my permission. But l appreciate you asking me through
I might order one my self Lena said
Love l didn't take you for a drinker
Stef chuckles, it's very rare that I have a achaolic bevarage. I usually drink wine, but I love strawberry daiquiris and pine coladas. Lena States
But aren't you on medication
Stef inquires, l only have to take it as needed for your information
Please l don't need you telling me
What l can and cannot have Lena says harshly. Baby l'm sorry if I offended you by my comment, Stef realizes that she put her foot in her mouth.
Lena keeps quiet, Lena excuses herself from the table to go to the ladies room. Cause she didn't want to caused a scene in public, she can't believe Stef will bring up something so personal during dinner. Lena washed her hands at the sink
Lena tries to collect herself before heading back to the table,
Lena exits the restroom and goes back
to her seat. Lena folds her hands on the table, Stef reaches across to hold
Lena's hand. I'm sorry that was wrong for me to say Stef lowers her voice
Lena sees that Stef is genuinely apologetic. Apology accepted
Lena replied, the waitress came over to take their orders. Stef ordered what she wanted along with a beer
Then let's the young woman know what she wants, Lena asks for a raspberry lemonade to drink
Stef hands her their menus

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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