UA's Ground Beta

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Hey everyone! Hope you guys enjoy the chapter!


I'm back where I was, the beach between the island and mainland, and prepare to take off when I feel something grab me, vice-grip style.


"No can do, young man. Not until you stop this unorthodox way of becoming the best."

"That's near impossible... so let me go!"

"Agree, or I won't let you go."


"Looks like we'll be sitting here a while then."

30  minutes later...

"FINE! Fuck it. You win. I'll stop."

"I'm still not letting you go."


"Because I know you're lying."

"I'm not lying..."

I struggle against his grip and find little wiggle room.

I groan, and would totally facepalm if my arms weren't trapped.

"Just let me go. You know I won't stop, so there's almost no point in doing this."

"Your point is valid, however, before I let you go, I've got something to ask you."

"Fire away. Not like I can run away if I wanted to."

"Young man, if you were given the chance, save the civilian or defeat the villain, what would you choose?"

My mind speeds ahead, not stopping until I resolve the issue.

"I'd do both."


"No, it isn't. Priority is civilian, then get civilian to safety. defeat villain comes last on that list."

"Illogical. There wouldn't be enough time."

"Then I make enough time. Push someone to do something, back them into a corner, you'd be surprised what can happen."

"sigh- Young man, you can't be serious."

"I'm dead serious. Heroes are meant to save lives and beat villains. Not strictly one or the other. Heroes are there to support emotionally and do the best they can. My best is doing both. That's why I do what I do. That's why I do this. Because, that one life, can be your loved one, and that one life, can cause you a lifetime of grief and pain. So my answer is I'd do both. That's the only answer."

"That's self-destructive."

"You think I haven't thought of that?! My role in this life is to be a shield for the people. An unbreaking shield. My job is to protect until I can't. And whenever that happens, I'll be ready for whatever death comes to get me. That's why I use my quirk. Healing others might not save lives in the long run, but the longer I run, the more lives I save. The stronger I am, the easier it gets. I know it's self-destructive, but that's the path I chose, and the path I'll follow."

"I hope I can hold you to that... While I might not approve of your style, you have an admirable heart, and many are rarely like you. You are part of a dying breed. Those who will sacrifice everything, for everyone. So, young man, I'm going to ask you another question. Are you ready?"

"Yes, I'm ready. I'll always be ready. I've been unprepared most of my life. This time, this moment. I'm going to be ready for the rest of the days I see."

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