Vile Reunion

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Hey, I'm back with another chapter, and I hope you all enjoy it!

Also, what stories are you unhappy with? Maybe some that need a little TLC, or a rewrite? Because as of now, I will be updating all of my books, and re-releasing the two I took down, rewritten, and to the chapter count that they were at. Mind you, this will take a lot of fucking time, but it is time I will enjoy using, and use it to do something I quite frankly, love to do.

Besides me being boring, hope you guys enjoy the chapter!


Meeting with someone is supposed to be a good thing.

Sometimes, it's a bit more than good. It's a reunion of people who might harbor dislikes, but that doesn't stop them from being civil.

That rule doesn't apply to the man who is in a supermarket, looking directly into his mother's eyes.

The same one that left him and his father, for wealth.

"Fuck you." He snarls, eyes cloudy with anger.

"Izuku, please! I want to talk-"

"Fuck off! Don't call me Izuku either. You lost that privilege when you walked out. Leave me be."

"Please, Izuku, we need to talk-"




"I-Izuku please-"

"I don't want to hear another word from your mouth. It might've been okay if Dad was here, but It's just me. So fuck off."

"I'm calling your father!"

"Good luck calling a dead man."

Her face told everything. She didn't know. Didn't bother trying to.

"I can see it. You didn't even know. Did you not hear the news about a father's remains of ash found, the son is missing? No? That's what I thought. You left and said fuck all, deciding that, after leaving, we meant nothing more than garbage. How does it feel to be wealthy?"


"Shut up. I said stop saying my name because you lost the right years ago. You left, and I and dad suffered because of it. So shut up, and go get your back blown out by that snobbish blonde boy. Bet he's as stupid as his son, maybe just as short as well. In both ways."

"I'm your mother, and you will show me respect-"

"Fuck that. If you're my mother, I'd rather shoot myself here and now."

"But I am your mother."

"You haven't been my mother since you left. What part of this are you not getting? Or are you trying to come crawling back?"

His face was contorted into a rageful expression, and hatred sparked in his eyes, because the woman in front of him, was no more than another bystander to him, and she has the gall to call herself his mother?

 Yeah, he wasn't too fucking happy at the moment.

1 hour earlier...

"Holy shit!"

Midoriya looked over, and one of his newly acquired classmates, Kaminari, was complaining over the soreness of his muscles, "Aizawa sure does know how to drill us huh?"


"Are you sore?"


"Do you have a case of resting bitch face?"

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