Slime Incident

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You guys already know what's going on here. For those who are just starting, or just finding this book, I was a dumbass and forgot to incorporate the Slime incident in. This is purely to remedy that mistake. I hope to keep the continuity of the story the same.

hope you enjoy it.

After waking up, I get out of the bed, planning on sneaking back in so I could sleep here again, so I unlock the window and leave it slightly ajar.

Looking outside, the world was grey with a backdrop of blue, the saturated sky decayed being in the middle of the concrete jungle.

Getting the hell outta dodge, I make my way out of the campus, and head out, planning on doing something. Not too sure what, but something was on the to-do list.

Passing by malls and small little cafes, I see a radio shack and hear muffled music. It's been forever since I've listened to some new music.

Walking in, I see red, all sorts of electronics, and a bunch of other shit, but the music is what I'm here for.

I can't think right, can't see straight

I can't bleed anymore, ice in my veins

My heart's so cold, from the test of time

The only thing that warms me, your hand in mine


thought I could be, warm on my own

Only to be wrong, when you're gone

I'm freezing!

Ice clouds my vision

I'm freezing!

but your touch feels like ice

Verse (Tempo up- close to rap tempo)

Used to thaw the ice, now you cover me in it

Give me the cold shoulder even though I'm colder...

I walk out, having heard enough, and was slightly nodding to the song, which wasn't too bad, decent, not great, but not bad.

Quickly making another lap because I'm hungry, I see nothing that looks good, so I guess I'll starve for today.

Getting out of the mall was easy.

Getting back to UA without pissing someone off is the hard part.

As I'm walking, minding my own fucking business, the manhole cover in this tunnel explodes, hitting the top, and I see this slime wiggle his way out.

"You might want to go back in there. Not everybody is going to appreciate being apart of a real-life episode of hentai."


"The fuck!? That's nasty bro! Get the fuck away from me!"

My foot kicks up, and air travels fast enough to slice him in half.

"Geez. People are getting bold these days. First, it was some guy cosplaying as the whole ass convention center, now we have people trying to make real-life something straight out of a bad porn film."

"GRAAAAGH!" I see the slime regenerate, and see a figure burst out of the manhole, blonde hair, cheesy ass smile, and dark eyes.

"Hoi there. Nice to see you around here."


"THE FUCK!?" I yell as he aimed that shit straight at me, I mean, guess I can't blame him when the slime was next to me.

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