Applicational Test: Expulsions

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Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the last chapter and this one as well!


Another sunrise announced that it was the start to another day, the students of UA just waking up, while some were up hours previous, enjoying the quiet, the serenity of waking up early never eluding them.

Midoriya was one of these people, and always opted to wake up an hour or half an hour before needing to get ready to leave. He always hated rushing himself, especially with matters that weren't training.

Midoriya, just so happened to also be surrounded by rich assholes, his classmates, Todoroki, Iida, Yaoyorozu, at the table this morning, and he was currently trying not to get into a fight.

Too bad nobody really likes to listen to his wishes.

"So, Midoriya... Between you and me, would you agree that I'm mentally and physically superior to you?"

This made him choke on his cereal, and snort, sounding like a demon was being summoned.

"No. Can you lift a ton? A metric ton, can you lift it, without struggling?"

"Well, no, no-one can-"

"That's where I have to stop you. I can. I can actually probably lift more than that since I lifted the zero-pointer at the entrance exam. Physically, I'm stronger, there is no doubt in my mind. Mentally? I don't know. Depends. I know Endeavor isn't the nicest person, and that you've probably gone through trauma, but so have I. No-one is exempt from being beaten and thrown around by life, so to say you're mentally stronger, is unfair, and honestly, not imperative to school. And if you didn't get the gist, I'm kindly telling you to fuck off."

This shut the other two's mouths, looking at Midoriya shocked, and he quickly finished his cereal, "I'd suggest you guys get involved with your classmates. Not everybody enjoys people being rich snobs. Maybe make yourself more personable, and make a few friends. After all, not everyone is equal."

They all scoffed at him as he left, heading back up the stairs to his room, where his stuff layout, waiting for him to get ready for the day ahead of him.


15 minutes passed, and Midoriya was now no longer in the dorms, having left for class extremely early, in hopes of passing up another confrontation from Iida.

"Uniform must be proper, Midoriya!"

Seems like life just loves to make his life harder.

"No. It's too tight, and gets uncomfortably hot, and likes to strangle me."

"You must wear your uniform correctly! Otherwise, this school's reputation will be smothered!"

"Seriously dude? If you ever plan on getting a girlfriend, I'd say loosen up, and maybe that stick in your ass will come out. Or is it so far up there?"

Iida was mortified, how dare this delinquent defy the orders set forth by a wealthier family?!

"Hey! I'm part of the Iida family, as I'm sure you know, and you will listen to me!"

Midoriya looked at him, "Mhm. Someone seems to think just because he's got money, he rules over others. Ahem. Listen, Iida, seriously, no respect is meant in these next words. I seriously hope you don't get paired against me ever. But that's impossible. We do have a sports festival, where it's a free-for-all. I'd suggest you buckle up and get ready for the beating I'll give you then. Or earlier, if you get paired against me in the foundational hero studies later this week."

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