First Use

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Hey! You all have been liking this book, for one reason or another, and I hope you continue to enjoy it!

As always, comments and criticisms are welcome. Even hate comments, saying that I'm garbage. Because I can work off of that, And they get me hyped up enough to write more chapters.


PS: A couple of months time-skip since I don't want to bog the story down with little things, I like to make fights, so I might make this the slime incident, or another issue entirely. You'll find out.

Izuku's POV

Months had gone by, and the first hellish workout I had put the group through had kicked their ass.

They were all moaning in pain and whining about their backs and muscles being sore and tired.

I just laughed at their complaints and kept going. Eventually, they all joined back in but fell out once again.

We stopped a few minutes after their second drop, and we scheduled another session for their endurance. Eijiro was going on and on about manliness, which made me laugh, Katsuki was yelling obscenities at me for being so rough, and Setsuna looked absolutely exhausted.

After that ended, they all left, and Setunsa got invited to the group chat they had made, and I was technically left out. I have no phone. Been alone for 6 years, remember?

Anyway, moving on.

Today was the day before UA Entrance Exams, and I was watching Eijiro ponder over trigonometry.

"To be honest, most of the questions on the written portion could technically be correctly answered with common sense."

"Yeah, but I need to get in. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't get in."

"You'd go to Shiketsu. That's what you'd do."

He looks at me, "I'm glad you have backup plans. I'm terrible at them."

"Comes with experience Eijiro."

"What experience do you have? You've lived alone for 6 years Izuku."

I look at him, "Listen. I never admitted to being the brightest crayon in the box, but there is something I have a surplus of... and that, is trial and errors."

He laughs at me "Seriously though, what experience do you have?"

"Eijiro, for six years, I've poured everything I have into training, into my quirk, into myself. I haven't been sitting around twiddling my thumbs, eating fucking bonbons. I've worked so hard, that when a doctor saw me, they said I've worked my tendons and ligaments down to threads that are hanging on. I've always had backup plans. What if this doesn't work? Do this. This too easy? Do this, with this. Do you get it? Backup plans are simple starts to another plan. They aren't fully cobbled together. They pave the way to another path. They aren't already made."

He just sits there slack-jawed, "Bro... That's- that's so MANLY!"

"Haha... Come on Eijiro. Put down the pen and paper, and let's walk and talk. You and I are quite similar. I think I can impart some wisdom, some knowledge to you. If it can be considered that."

"Sure- Yeah. just let me throw on a pair of shorts. I  think I have some clothes that might fit you... You want some?"

I ponder, "Yeah... Yeah sure. Pair of shorts and a tank-top should be fine. I've got something to show you."

He grabs both items, "Here ya go, bro. I'll be out in a minute."

I wave and walk out of the guest room he had been staying in, having spent the night to get more studying done.

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