Remember Me?

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YO! It's me, back with ANOTHER chapter for you! Hope you enjoy it!

Any criticism and comments are welcome!


Izuku's POV

I wake up and see IVs strapped to me, and Recovery Girl looking over a sheet of paper.

I try to quietly get up, removing everything, then remove the heartbeat monitor, which beeps as I remove it, indicating that I was 'flatlining'.

She looks over at me quickly, "Get back in that bed young man! I still have more tests to run."

I look at her with my perfected 'What the fuck?!' look and sit back in the bed because I don't feel like getting hit by hard oak wood in the shape of a cane.

"What tests?" I'm curious. Sue me.

"I'm running tests on your vitals, I've taken roughly 15 X-rays, managed to get an MRI somehow. So yeah, I've been busy. Everything is showing fine, but you're not fine. Our bodies are supposed to age, not be brand new, and you've basically healed everything on you. Your legs, your arms. typical skin and bone growth would be lower, but it's like you made yourself grow, just by breaking and healing your bones so much. It's the weirdest and most fascinating thing I've ever seen. And this is coming from a nurse with a healing quirk."

I sit and listen, not really absorbing the knowledge, just letting my thoughts do their own thing.

"Are you even listening to me?"


She sighs and goes back to observing the piece of paper she had in front of her.

"Izuku. You have to be more careful. No matter how much you heal, you heal in a broad sense. Your tendons and ligaments look like they are about to fall apart." She says, gesturing towards a scan photo, showing my tendons and ligaments hanging on by threads.

"I'll be fine."

"No, you won't! Especially not after All Might gave you that quirk! You are going to just keep going and eventually you aren't going to be able to do anything other than talk!"


I sigh, "Listen, I promise I'll be more careful, okay? And I'll even learn how to do pinpoint healing with my quirk. So you don't have to worry about the special parts of how my body works."

"I know that's probably the best I'm going to get out of you regarding your health, but I'm curious, how does your healing work? Mine works by speeding the natural process up, but it seems like you can magnetize your skin and nerves to each other, allowing them to reconnect."

I think, trying to put some actual thought into this, "Well, if you've done tests, can we discard the possibility of increased stem cells?"

She nods, "Yes. But it seems like your body is sending faster electrical signals. This is odd for a healing quirk but would explain the speed at which you can heal from severe injuries I'd have to surgery for."

I think for a moment longer, "Maybe that's it? My quirk increases the speed of electrical signals, or maybe the amount, which sends more healing to the part of my body I'm trying to heal? I'm not too sure how it works, but it isn't like how your's is."

She nods, and then waves me off, "You're blood pressure is good, your heartbeat stable, the body is perfectly healthy other than your tendons and ligaments."

I nod and jump out of the bed, feeling something twinge like an overstrung guitar, "Looks like I'll have to learn that pinpoint healing trick soon, or else I might be out of commission for a while."

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