Bone-Crushing Exam

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HEYO! I'm back with another chapter, and I hope you all will enjoy it.

Izuku's POV

Shooting up, I feel alarmed, and look around, finding myself on the couch of Katsuki's house, covered in sweat.

What the fuck?!

I cradle my head in my hands, a migraine forming, and I don't know what from.

The fuck is going on?!

I get up,  my body not wanting to work with me, and go to the sink.

Leaning over, I turn the faucet on and greedily drink the water, my mind clearing up, and my body almost instantly feeling better.

After drinking just enough to fill a gallon, I wander over to the pantry and grab myself something, anything.

Fucking granola bar.

Almost slamming my head into the wall and making a hole, I put the bar back and go to the fridge, reaching and thankfully finding some fucking eggs.

As I start the stove and start cracking the eggs into the pan, I hear complaints of it being too early.

"Nothing is too early on Exam day you fuckin idiot."

I hear shuffles and look over, seeing Eijiro standing there looking dead on his feet.

"You alright over there? Or did you not get any sleep last night?"


"Yup. Sit down. I'll make breakfast for you."

I hear his head hit the table and he groaned.

Hearing more footsteps, I say 'fuck the pan' and go find their biggest skillet.

Grabbing it out of the deepest reaches of their cabinet, it comes out covered in dust.

"The fuck?! Why weren't you guys using this!?"

Hearing a groan, I see Auntie sitting at the table, her hair all messy.

"God, you all are a bunch of sleepless idiots."

I grab more eggs, a dozen or so, and set to work cracking them and whisking them.

"Hey Auntie, do you have cheese?"

She points toward the fridge, "Top shelf. It's cheddar."

"That'll work. OI! Katsuki! Wake your ass up!"

I hear enraged screaming and take that as a cue that he's awake.

Setting back to the task at hand, I grab a spatula, and patiently wait for the eggs.

As I'm waiting, I see my uncle, "Uncle Masaru! I never got to say 'hi' the other day! How've you been doing lately?"

"Ah, I've been alright. I got a promotion at my job a few years back, and they even moved me to a facility closer to home."

"That's fantastic! Hope you haven't been overworking yourself."

"Heh, no. most of the people who work under me tell me to take it easy. They even tied me up one night and took me home, saying I worked too many hours. Got a good laugh out of it."

"That's good! You need people like that, otherwise, you'd work yourself to the bone. You and Auntie planning another child?"


"Don't sweat it. Kind of hard not to hear bed squeaks when I'm sitting in the living room. You were pretty quiet, but I thought for sure you were gonna wake Katsuki up at one point. All that screaming, I'm surprised Eijiro stayed asleep."

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