Battle Training

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Hey guys, welcome back to another chapter! Hope you guys enjoy it!

Without further ado-


All Might had burst through the door, looking awkward and idiotic as always.

"I AM HERE! FOR BATTLE TRAINING!" His hand has raised a finger in the air, his smile beaming.

Midoriya's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, "Battle..."

Iida, had fear etched in all of his features, "Training?"

"YES! And to even the field, we will be drawing lots... That is what I would be saying if I didn't already draw them! Hahaha! First team, Midoriya and Kaminari! Second Team, Iida and Uraraka!"

Midoriya looked over, seeking and instilling fear into the poor soul who's been harassing him for the past few days, "You are going to be fucking decked. No questions."

Iida slightly shivered, "All-All Might do I h-have to fight?"

"Yes! Otherwise, you will fail, and failing could mean possible expulsion."

Iida gulped, his attitude making a U-turn to try and save what little is left of his confidence.

Which, wasn't going too well, because confidence ain't gonna stay when you up against that monster of a fucking human.

'Whatever deity is out there, please help me-'

Hahaha- The author says fuck you, get fucked.


"Can the teams please go to the field area?"

The teams walked in, and Midoriya and Kaminari talked, while Iida strategized. Well, as good as he could, with his body trembling like a leaf.

5 minutes go by faster than one might think, and soon, All Might releases Midoriya and Kaminari onto the villain team, and they could hear Iida monologuing from a broken window a few stories up.

"Okay, you go up, see what Iida's doing, just recon, do not attack. I will be up there and will take care of that. Okay?"

Kaminari quickly nodded and dashed off, the sounds of shoes on gravel becoming distant, his training outfit fluttering in the wind.

'Now, time to find this girl...What was her name?'

"You'll remember by the time I win!"

He felt a rock hit him, and he punched through it, her expression changing from victory to utter shock, "Seriously, you all should think 5 steps ahead, because then at least you'd be a step behind me."

He jumps around, the walls acting like springboards and he lands next to her, grabbing her arm and slamming her down on the ground in front of him.

She coughs, spit and air leaving her body, and she shakily gets up, "I will win! No hero will stop me!" Another couple of rocks come Midoriya's way, this time, he feels the force behind them, and smashes through them again, his vision blocked by the debris, he doesn't see the piece of rebar hurtling towards him, and he moves, his instincts telling him that he was in danger, and he feels metal sink into his shoulder.

"You were trying to kill me?"

Uraraka looked helpless, "Y-..."

"That's a new one. No-one's really tried, except myself that is, Hur-HURAGH!"

He ripped the rebar out of his shoulder, and heals it quickly, then jumps forward, his leg coming out, ready to knock her out, then another piece of rebar comes out, slicing into his leg, "But, killing doesn't sound like such a bad option now does it~?"

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