Chapter 3

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Everyone starts to stand up and grab their bags to leave. I stand up and reach to get my bag out of the compartment. When I open the latch, my bag comes falling out of the shelf and almost hits me on my head but when it didn't hit me, I see Niall holding the bag and placing it down gently by my side.

"Thanks" I say a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it, wouldn't have wanted to start off your first day in Ireland by getting hit on the head." He says with a little laugh and I laugh with him.

"That's true" I agree.

I walk off the plane in front of Niall. Once I enter the large airport I'm not sure if I should walk with him or just leave to go pick up my bags? He answers that question by walking next to me.

"Do you have to go get your bags?" He asks.

"Yea do you?"

"Yep, I'll lead the way!" He says and I follow him down the long crossover and to a large conveyer belt that's says "Baggage Claim".

I'm waiting a while before my suitcase comes around out of the shoot. I grab a hold of it and walk over to Niall.

"Well thanks for keeping me company.. I guess I'll get going! Thanks again" I smile at him and start to walk away. That felt a little rushed but what else am I supposed to do?

"Yea of course... Wait!" I feel him tug gently on my arm. "Can I maybe have your number? I mean so we can hangout while your here?" He says as he looks down at me with his blue eyes. I knew a part of me was hoping that we would ask that.

"Yea!" I say a little to excitedly and he smiles. "I mean yea uhm.. I can put it in your phone." I say gesturing to the phone in his hand.

"Yea that'd be great" he says while handing me his cell. I add my contact in and hand him the phone back.

"Thanks" he smiles, "I'll uhh text you.. Maybe I can show you around sometime"

"Yea.. I'd like that" I smile and I can feel the heat in my cheeks as i stare into his eyes and admire his smile.

"Great, well goodbye Madison... For now" he smirks and turns on his heel and walks away.


After getting in a taxi, I am in the car with a brown haired man, his eyes look tired but he has gentle smile. I tell him the address of the hotel that I'm staying at and he drops me off there after about a half an hour drive. The building is large, a very modern building. When I walk in, the lobby looks nice, with a waiting area with couches and a coffee table and a check in counter. It looks like an regular hotel that I would see in the US.

I put my bags on a "trolly" so they call it here and walk over to the desk to get my key for my room.

"You're in room 201. Enjoy your stay!" The lady behind the counter says in her thick accent. I smile and thank her before taking my room key and heading up the elevator to the 5th floor.

When I get to my room, it again looks like any normal hotel room. The bed has wooden bed frame, with white and gold bedding. There's one large window, and a small kitchen area with a sink, coffee maker, and refrigerator. There's also a closet and a TV, which sits on top of a dresser with 3 large drawers. Across from the bed there's the bathroom, very modern and contemporary. It's a nice room. I still can't believe my mom was willing to pay for all of this. It was only up to me to bring my own money to spend on personal items and food, but in the hotel, meals were complimentary for my stay.

It's only 8pm here but I'm exhausted even though I slept through most of my flight. I decide to go to sleep. I dig through my suitcase to find a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, I don't bother putting my clothes away because I'll do that tomorrow. I go into the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth before climbing into the bed. I lay there for a while as I think about Niall, and how I really hope he does contact me, because like he said to me, I'd like to get to know him better too.

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