Chapter 8

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It's been 2 weeks since I last talked to Niall. After dinner that night, he never contacted me again, no texts or calls. Did I do something wrong? Was I just misreading the situation? Probably. That's what I always do. He was probably just being nice, making me feel welcome. I can't help but miss him though. I don't care how long Ive known him.

Harry texts me every once and while. I assume he got my number from Niall. Harry said he wanted to hangout again, but that never happened. It's too bad really, he seemed very nice.

I've been keeping myself busy, I went on a few tours to some castles. Boring I know, but I found it very interesting actually. I've taken a few long drives to the beach to watch the sunsets. When I'm there, I sit in the sand and think of my With Niall. It wasn't even a date. He was just being nice. I have to keep reminding myself that him hanging out with me a couple of days didn't mean anything.

Ive been in Ireland for almost 4 weeks now. It seems to have gone by very fast. I let mother know that I'm doing ok every other day. I'm not really home sick though. Yes I miss home but I really like it here. It's such a beautiful country, and I'm happy that I still have 2 more months here before I have to go back.

Today, I decide to do a little shopping. I haven't done that since I've been here and I've passed by a lot of shops that I'd like to go to.

I get dressed for the day, with high waisted shorts and a white tank top. I put on a hat over my curled hair and slip on some sandals. I decide to walk today, since I'm not that far from a mall that's close by. I grab my bag and head out.

When I get to the mall, it's huge, much bigger than the mall that was close by my house back home. In the center, there's a glass dome in the ceiling and a large fountain on the ground floor beneath it, and there are three levels of shops.

I wander around, not really sure where to start. I recognize a lot of the brands but I'm not familiar with them because they aren't stores that you find in the U.S. When I get to the second floor, I run into a blonde boy. Niall.

"Sorry I wasn't paying attention.." I say awkwardly.

"My fault" he says running his hand over his hair, and he starts to walk away.

"Why did you stop talking to me?" I turn around towards the boy walking. I sound so desperate, but I'm curious.

He turns around and walks back to face me, his face is serious and he looks..angry?

"I didnt. You stopped talking to me Madison." He says, his tone flat.

"What? No. You didn't even say bye to me that night, you had someone that I barely knew take me home."

"You're complaining about that? You seemed to fancy him that night if I remember correctly." His eyes look hurt but his voice is harsh.

"Like you weren't flirting with...who? Olivia was it? You had me fooled." I partially laugh.

"What? How." He questions.

"You invite me on a dinner with you and your girlfriend... And the whole time I believed you... I don't know, liked me?" I start to walk away, but his gentle hand stops me in my tracks as he lightly pulls me back.

"Girlfriend? Olivia is not my girlfriend." He scoffs. I can't help but feel a little relief flood over me.

"Sure seemed like it." I say trying not to give away the fact that I'm happy he's not dating her.

"Well you thought wrong." He says flatly. "And as for liking you..." He says stepping closer to me, his face inches from mine. I know that we're in public and that people are probably staring but I can't find it in myself to move away.

"I" He says more in a whisper and his voice softer.

"Then.." I stumble on my words when I feel his hand grab mine. "Why didn't you talk to me for weeks?"

"I thought.. I thought you were into Harry." He says, the jealousy clear in his voice.

Why would he think that? Yeah Harry is someone I'd like to get to know but I just met him... Then again that's sort of the same situation with Niall.


"Come with me" he cuts me off and walks to the door with me still holding his hand, and we walk out of the mall and get into his car.


Niall opens the door to his apartment and I step into a living room. There are two couches, a table, and the TV is perched on the wall. There's a guitar in the corner and a desk against a brick wall facing the window. It's not much, but it's very comfortable. Not at all what I expected it to be.

"Do you uhm.. Want anything to drink or something?" He asks rubbing the back of his neck as if he's embarrassed.

"Yea sure I'll have some water" I smile trying to ease his embarrassment. I don't know why he is embarrassed anyway, there's no reason to be. Maybe he's...nervous?

No why would he be nervous, it's only me and it's not like I'm in anyway...intimidating, am I?

He nods and gestures for me to follow him into the kitchen.

He grabs a glass out of a cupboard and fills it with water and hands it to me.

"Thanks" I say.

"Sure" he says slightly smiling. He leans against the counter on the opposite side of the kitchen from me.

"I...nevermind" he starts and looks away from my gaze.

"What?" I set down the glass on the counter and cross my arms.

"Nothing it's stupid." He laughs.

"No tell me" I pout.

"Well I missed you.. I know it's dumb, considering we only hungout a few times but.. I don't know I liked being with you." He says quickly, His words contradicting his movements as he walks slowly towards me.

" did?" I say and I know my mouth is hanging open. It's not stupid. I missed him too. It's silly for us to be saying that, we barely know eachother, but the few times we were together, they were absolutely perfect. Even the night at dinner, although awkward, I still was happy to be near him.

"Yea..I know it's-"

"It's not stupid" I cut in. "I missed you too" I give him a reassuring smile trying to fight the red that's rushing to my cheeks.

He raises his eyebrow and smirks, he's much closer to me now. "Is that so?"

He pushes the glass of water further away on the counter and moves his hands to my hips, and gently pulls me closer. His face inches from mine.

I nod as I look into his blue eyes. I can feel his breathe on my skin and it sends a shiver through my body, causing goosebumps to rise on my arms.

"Kiss me." He whispers, almost quietly enough that I can't hear him.

I don't think about it, my eyes move from his eyes to his lips and I let my emotions take over as I crash my lips to his. His tongue moving perfectly with mine. His mouth is cold but it feels perfect against mine. I pull him closer in attempt to feel and taste all I can from him.

His hands move to my waist and he lifts me up and props me on the counter. He brings my hips closer and I wrap my legs around his torso. I'm surprised by my actions, how my body knows what to do, before my brain. I've never done anything with a guy. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I go with my instinct and let my body take over, ignoring my thoughts.

He moans when I press my hips into him and I gather the back of his shirt in my hands as our mouths continue to move together.

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