Chapter 20

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When I wake up, the room is dark and I can hear the faint sound of rain coming from outside. Great. I think I'll just stay in today, eat food, watch whatever is on tv, think. And shit, I need to call my mother. Sounds like it'll be a fun day.

Before I forget to do anything else I call my mom, so I can get it over with. Of course I love her, she's my mom, but I have to admit she is one of be most annoying people I know.

"Hello." My mother chirps after about the fifth ring.

"Hey mom." I say.

"Madison! How's everything to going? I haven't heard from you in awhile and I thought last time we agreed on you calling more." She says. She doesn't sound mad but her words kind of contradict her tone.

"Yeah, sorry I know but it hasn't been that long... But anyway it's great. I really love it here." I say enthusiastically.

"That's great sweetie! Have you made any friends?"

Oh. Should I tell her about Niall?

"Oh.. Uhm yeah kinda." I say.

"That's wonderful! What are they're names? What are they like?" She questions, just as she does for every other thing.

"Well..." I realize that the only real 'friends' I made were guys. Not that there's anything wrong with that but I don't want my mother getting the ring idea. And knowing her, she will. "Well their names are Niall, Harry, Zayn, Liam, and Louis." I say. I know I haven't really gotten to know Louis, Liam, or Zayn. Really I've only hung out with Niall and Harry on occasion. I decide to exaggerate though just for the sake of it.

"Madison they better all be decent young gentlemen." She says. I can't tell if she's joking or not.

"Yeah they are." I say, a little annoyed that she is trying to be protective from across the world. "Well mom I uhm have to go, I have to get to ready to go to the beach." I lie just to try and get off the phone.

"Oh alright, we'll be safe Madison, have fun!" She says. I tell her good bye and hang up.

Going to the beach today would've been great. A good, peaceful place for me to sit and think about everything. But of course, it's raining, hard. More like pouring.

I decide to not get dressed today, or do my makeup or hair. I can just eat some things that I have in the small fridge, stuff I've acquired over the time that I've been here. I have a few movies that I can watch, and if not I'm sure I can find some random show on TV.

I sift through the small compartment in which I brought a few DVDs in, in preparation for days like this. So far I haven't had a day where I can't go outside at all. But I need the rest and as much as I want to figure everything out, I'm a procrastinator. The biggest one at that, and I want to be distracted.

I chose to watch Titanic. It's probably the cheesiest romantic movie there is, and yes it's very overrated, but despite all of that I actually really love the movie, part of it is because I like the history involved.

Once I'm about twenty minutes in, I get a little bored. I'm not really in the mood for watching a movie. My mind keeps trying to force me to confront what I've been battling with, and I can't concentrate, at all. With that, I shut off the TV and sit in the bed for a little.

I'm going to go out. I look out the window at the pouring rain hitting the gray sidewalks and moving cars on the street. I love the rain, the smell, the sound, it's all very beautiful and calming to me, and since I don't mind on getting wet I think I'll take a walk. Besides it's not like I made myself up today anyway.

When I reach the door leading outside from the lobby, I take a moment to appreciate being warm and dry, listening to the soft sound of the raindrops hitting the pavement. With that, I walk out to the crying sky and start down the sidewalk. Theres a few other people walking the opposite direction, but they have umbrellas. That probably would've been a good idea. I don't mind though, I'm wearing a jacket and jeans, so I'm not cold, yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2015 ⏰

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