Chapter 18

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I blink a few times before I realize what just happened. Oh my god, I kissed Harry, right in front of Niall. What did I do? No, he kissed Olivia in front of me, my sub conscious reminds me. My head is spinning and I try to direct my attention to what Niall is yelling.

"What the fuck? Did you not hear me the millions times I told you she's with me?" Niall yells and pushed Harry on the chest causing his to stumble back.

"Bull shit Horan, we both know what you do with girls, you have a small thing for them but once he fucking gets old you cut the chord." Harry yells back, stepping forward.

"You know for fucks sure that that's not how it is." Nialls eyes are filled with hatred and they look hurt. My stomach sinks right when it finally hits me what I did. Nothing's exclusive, but I told him myself that I didn't like Harry and now I do this.

"Yeah ok and when you hurt her what do you thinks going to happen? She'll come crawling to me!" Harry yells they both to have forgotten I was standing right there.

"Madi, can-can we go we need to talk?" Niall says lowering his voice as he turns to me.

I nod and grab his hand and try to weave us through the people, who didn't even seem to notice the little scene that just broke out. We reach the door and when we walk out the sky is dark and the air is cool.

Niall starts to lead us and he starts walking down the sidewalk.

"Niall where-"

"Madi please just, just hold on." He cuts me off, but his voice is soft.

I listen and just follow him, my hand still in his. We finally stop in front of a brick building and he gently moves me against the wall.

"Why did- I thought you didn't like him? You kissed him." He stammers, holding both of my hands as I lean back against the cool brick.

"I don't like him... I just, I saw you and I saw Olivia and I got jealous and I don't even really know what happened." I manage to slur out.

Niall sighs, "Right when Olivia... Kissed me I immediately stopped her. And then I look over to see Harry groping you with his tongue down your throat." His words are harsh but gentle at the same time.

"Niall, I'm so sorry, I don't know why I did that I just fired back at something I saw." I say trying to keep his eyes on mine, as he keeps blinking away.

" you care for him?" He asks. His eyes are dim and it hurts me to see his bright eyes so down because of what I did.

"No. Niall I'm serious, only you, I only care for you." I say.

"Maybe this is just moving too fast..." He whispers.

What? No. No he doesn't know what he's saying. I'm going to stop him from thinking that.

"No. Niall, no. I don't give a shit how long we've known each other. It's been a little over a month and that's fine. I don't care. All I know is that I fell for you and now I don't want you to walk away. And I know I won't, so please, please don't." I say trying to stand my ground.

He stays silent for a moment, the quiet I get from him worries me until he says, "I'm not walking away Madi, I won't. I'm sorry."

I lay my head back on the brick in relief and when I look up and I bring my hands to cup his face and brings my lips to his. His lips are warm and I can taste the beer, contributed from both of us.

I can't believe what has happened since I've been here. I've fallen for a boy that I didn't even intend on meeting, and he's fallen for me. It all seems so silly if you think about it. Some people would think we're moving to fast, that this is just a short fling and it will end soon enough. But I don't see that happening. The way he makes me feel, it's unlike any other feeling. I long to be with him, to be touched by him, to have anything from him. I crave his company and the thought of him does things to me that I've never experienced. I don't think I can go as far as to say I'm in love with him, but if it keeps going how it is, I think I'm on that track. I just hope he feels the same way.

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