Chapter 4

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When I wake up it's 10am and light is streaming through my room. I don't have anything planned to do today, in fact the first week or so I'm going to spend getting settled in and getting to know my way around before I go site seeing or anything like that.

I pad into the bathroom and take a shower. The shower is different so it takes me awhile to figure out the water temperature and how to turn it on in the first place, but it feels amazing once I figure it out. As I plan out what I'm going to do today I remember that I forgot to call my mom to tell her I landed and got to my hotel ok.

I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body and one in my hair as I walk over to my phone and dial my mothers number. When she doesn't answer, i remember it's only about 3am there so I text her instead letting her know that I got on alright.

For the day I plan to just unpack first thing and then find out where a good place to get lunch is. There's a book of attractions and restaurants on the night stand and I scan through and find a sandwich place that is supposed to be very good.

After putting all my clothes away in the drawers and closet I once again head into the bathroom and start to get ready. I blow dry my long brown hair and end up curling it into loose curls. I put my makeup on, just some concealer and mascara. I usually don't wear a lot of makeup because I look terrible with it on. Usually a balance between no makeup to a moderate amount suites me. I slip on a pair of jeans and a plain black v neck t shirt and put on some white converse. I take a while to look at myself in the mirror. My eyes appear greener than usual today, but that might just be the lighting. I'm pulled from my gaze when I hear my phone go off.

I walk over to the table where my phone sits and see that I have a message from an unknown number.

*Hey Madison, I was wondering if you were up for a little tour today? -Niall*

I stare at the message smiling at the kind offer from the adorable stranger I had met yesterday. I wasn't planning on doing anything like that today, but I finished unpacking fairly quickly and it's still only noon. I had planned to just get settled in but I find myself wanting to hangout with him, and I can't help but reply with a yes to him.

*yea I'm free, when do you want to go?* I text back.

*Now? If you're ready of course.. I could pick you up?*

*Sure that'd be great, I'm ready now*

I text him the address of where I'm staying and he says that he will be here in about 20 minutes.

I can't help but feel the butterflies in my stomach, I'm incredibly anxious. I already embarrassed myself once with him, and I can't do it again. He seems so sweet and he's obviously very attractive, so I can't scare him away.

When he gets here he asks me what room I'm in and that he'll head up to get me. When I hear a knock at my door I jump. I walk to the mirror and quickly tweak my appearance so I look somewhat decent. I can't help the smile that comes across my face when I open the door to see Niall standing there wearing jeans, white sneakers, and a t-shirt. His hair is pushed up like it was on the plane yesterday and his eyes are still an amazing blue, maybe even brighter then before?

His eyes rack down my body and back up and I can see his mouth open slightly and eyes widen. I'm flattered but it's not like I look special today? Do i?

"You look.. Nice." He says with a smirk and meets my eyes. "Ready to go?"

"Yea, do you mind if we get lunch first though? I haven't eaten yet today." I say and I can feel my cheeks turning red.

"Oh yea sure, I was planning on that anyway" he winks and holds the door open for me to walk out.

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