Part Eleven

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The room was filled with the noisy buzz from everybody. Naruto leans his head against the wooden table, listening to the chaotic sound. The smile curves to his face remembering the moment earlier. How interesting.

Just him and her―holding hands as if they are tied beforehand.

Thinking about those, his face stained crimson and there were unknown creatures inside his stomach, excited, for sure finding their way out. What on earth! He grips and constantly reminds himself he's a man!

Oh, my gawd! Can't believe that woman can make him feel this cringy stuff!


He was cut off by a flirty voice. His head turns right and is surprised by Hana Suzuki's presence. She moves and sits right in front of him. She bit her lips creating a steamy atmosphere between them.

"Can I help you?" His voice is flat.

The woman raises her brows thinking how can he remain calm? He isn't even moved by her seduction!

"I heard something between you and that weird indigo hair."

The room is filled with different conversations as almost all the students deal with their business.

"What about it?"

"Are you guys dating?"

Wow! This woman is brave! What's her business 'bout them anyway?



Judging by her facial reaction, she seems disappointed or maybe he just misunderstood such a gesture. Because sometimes people can fake their emotions so it's confusing.

"What is it to you if we are."

Both stare at one another, anticipating the next scene.

This woman is straightforward! As if she isn't intimidated by him. He can't help but compare her to Hinata. Their personality aligned, somehow.

"Nothing. I just hate her." She confessed.

Her tongue is sharp.

What a woman.

"It has nothing to do with me so get the hell out of my sight."

"Oh, baby! I wanna show you something." Her flirty voice is back which raises Naruto's brows. He doesn't want Hinata to see this awkward position between him and this woman. "Hana, I ask you politely―"

"Look!" She cut him off to show a clip from her phone.

His eyes are glued to the screen as the video plays. It was Hinata and Sasuke. They are inside the train. The clip is set in HD. Perhaps, Hana's phone is high-end. He watches as the indigo hair assists his friend.

As long as she can help, she will. Perhaps, that's one reason why he'll into her. Meanwhile, his reaction is never the one she expects to see.


What the hell!

She angrily pauses the video and leans closer enough to level his face. The tension between them arises. The good thing is, the people around them don't give a single sh** although few are intrigued.

"Stop pretending you're fine." She exclaimed staring at his deep blue eyes.

"I'm not."

His face is close which made her face flush crimson. She gulps, paranoid. This is the first time she gets close to him and realized he's more handsome up close. "Really?"

𝐂𝐀𝐍'𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐍𝐎 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔Where stories live. Discover now