Part Twenty-Four

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"I am outside your apartment." A long pause. "I'm desperate to see you again and I'm sorry..."


In just a swift, Hanabi's scream ruled the background right outside Hinata's bedroom. "OMG! He's outside, sis!"

Oh well, what to expect from her little sister? That woman knows everything anyway.

Inside the apartment

"So, what brought you here? Naruto-san?" Hanabi interrogates him as if he committed something terrible which in fact is true. "It's midnight and it's inappropriate to go to someone else's house while you're dating another woman."

"Hanabi!" Hinata screamed, kind of irritated.

"Big sis! Calm your hormones. I got this," she winks then stared back at Naruto's indifferent face.

"I want to see your sister."

"Cut your sh**! We're not buying it."

"I am telling the truth."

"Hanabi! Go back to your room! It's my business here!" Hinata screamed yet she never meant to hurt her little sister's fragile heart. It's just that, things such as this need to be settled only by the people involved.

Stunned, Hanabi pouts, turns into being a chibi, and cries a sad river. "Hina-chan scolded me, kayaaaaaaaaa..." She stated while running going inside her room but before she shuts the door, she stared at Naruto, narrowed her eyes, pinpointing her index and middle finger back and forth telepathically sending a message, "I am watching you, b****!"

"I'm surprised you're here. What's the matter?" Hinata ask, confused. "Do you want something to drink?"

"No. Just your presence is enough."


Damn these crimsoned cheeks! It's irritating!

"Then, you're going home?"

"I'm staying here."


"It's alright. I know it's weird. Don't mind me."

"I'll call Minato-san—"

"He knew I'm here."


"Ah...then, I'll go back inside. Goodnight." She forces to curve an awkward beam.


What the hell is happening? And why is he here?

In the morning

The mouth-watery breakfast invited the indigo-haired to a realm of which she's yet naive. Her feet lead her to the kitchen and is graced by Naruto and Hanabi's hell faces. It seems they just had another argument earlier.

"Ohayo, sissy!"


They both exclaimed simultaneously. That's when another set of war commenced between the Hyuga and the Uzumaki.

"Please, it's early in the morning. Don't ruin the mood." The indigo-haired begs while helping herself seated.

"Hina-san, I prepared something for you..."

"Nope! Sis, taste the coffee first. I made it."

That's right, the competition never ends there. Perhaps, not yet.

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