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Hope was pumped, yet nervous for her second 'first day at work' in the span of two weeks. Raymond had barely said anything to her the day before when they'd had their usual Sunday family dinner and that had put her on edge the whole dinner. Thinking back, it bummed her that she hadn't been able to enjoy the meal the way she should have.

She'd woken up as early as 5:00 am, gotten ready and waited. It had taken her a while to decide on what to wear but she had eventually settled for a simple grey T shirt and black dress pants -- Nothing too serious but not too casual either. Raymond hadn't mentioned what time he was picking her up and she was reluctant to call and find out. Val had at some point left for work, and Hope couldn't have been more grateful. It would be too much of a hassle explaining to her why Raymond was picking her up on a Monday morning.

Finally, her phone lighted up with a text from Raymond to meet him outside. Not wasting a second, Hope picked up her bag and smoothened invisible creases off her shirt before dashing out of the house.

Raymond's car was already parked outside and he gave her an almost imperceptible nod as she opened the door and slid in.

"Eight thirty five, really? Is this a scheme to get me fired on the first day? again?" Hope asked as she made herself comfortable in his car.

"Good morning to you, Hope and yes, I slept very well. Thanks for asking," he replied with a sarcastic smile.

Hope rolled her eyes. Tucking in her seat belt, she mumbled, "You're too bright, it's annoying."

Raymond graced her with yet another smile. "And you're too gloomy, it's depressing. Lighten up, alright? No one is firing you, at least not today."

Hope gaped at his response. "Not today? Just drive."

"Yes madam," he replied, starting the car.

Neither of them said anything after that. With Raymond humming to whatever song was playing in his head, Hope was left to deal with the silence. It bored her so she decided to breach it.

"So," she started. "I know you got me a waitressing job, but that's basically all I know. Care to brief me?"

His gaze didn't stray off the road but his brows furrowed like he'd just realized something. "Oh. Yeah, sorry about that. There's not much to know, really. It's a fairly new restaurant and has not been around for that long. One of their waiters quit abruptly and you were in luck, I guess."

"Okay," Hope nodded, taking the information in. "How much is the pay?"

"Twenty thousand. I know it's not all that but it's the best I could do on such short notice. What do you think?"

Hope shrugged. It was not as if she had any other choice. "Yeah, it's fine, I guess."

He nodded.

"You know, for a while yesterday, I was afraid you'd changed your mind."

"Why would you think that?" He asked, suddenly amused.

Hope shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe it had something to do with you ignoring me all through dinner?"

"Hm. We're here," Raymond declared, swerving the car into the parking lot in front of the restaurant.

Hope's eyes roamed the brightly painted building that had the word 'Momalicious' hanging off it.

She raised her brows at Raymond, her lips tugging on an amused smile.

"I don't know. Don't ask." Raymond chuckled, opening the car door and getting out.

"Here goes nothing," Hope muttered before doing the same.

•     ~     •

Approximately seven hours later, Hope was very much ready to leave. She'd been ushered to work almost immediately she had walked in. The owner who also happened to be the manager, a thirty something year old man who had the friendliest smile she had ever seen, had excused her tardiness, but made it clear she was expected latest seven thirty everyday.

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