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A noise coming from right outside his door shifted Raymond's attention off his work. It got closer and considerably louder that he could clearly make out the sound of people arguing and he glanced up in sync to the door to his office being swung open aggressively, Rose marching in with his flustered secretary hot on her tail.

"Ma'am, you really can't--" his secretary, Anne threw her hands up exasperatedly when she saw they already caught Raymond's attention. "I'm really sorry, sir. I told her she can't b-but she--"

Raymond cut her short with a dismissive flick of his wrist, cutting off what was probably the start of a long apology. "It's fine, Anne. Go back to work, I'll handle this one."

"Yes sir," Anne replied, aiming a pointed look at Rose who responded with a victorious smirk of her own.

Raymond turned to Rose once his secretary had left. "What are you doing here?"

"You're not even offering me a seat first? That's very ungentlemanly of you, Raymond," she replied in a sickly sweet voice even though he could detect a bit of malice coating her words.

He ignored her subtle request, turning his attention to his laptop and pretending to be busy with it even though he knew there was no way he could focus on work now. "Whatever it is better be worth you barging into my office and interrupting my work."

She invited herself into the seat opposite him when it became clear he wasn't going to take the initiative. All trace of sweetness seemed drained from her voice when she spoke, "You've been ignoring my calls."

"Yeah . . . And?" Raymond replied, disinterested.

She huffed, and if Raymond was looking up, he could have seen the frustration written clearly all over her features. She instantly schooled it and her voice once again took on the honey like sweetness, "I only wanted to thank you for the money you sent to me the last time. It really went a long way and I want you to know I really appreciate everything you're doing for me. I really appreciate you."

"Hmmm," he hummed, still not sparing her a glance. "Alright, thank you. I feel appreciated. If that is all, you may leave now."

Her eyes flared a second before she lost the control she'd been struggling to hold onto. She lashed out, "Why are you being such a jerk?! I'm only here to say thank you like any normal person would and I wouldn't even be here if you hadn't decided to ignore my calls!"

Slowly, Raymond shut down his laptop and closed it. Keeping a stoic mask on, he finally turned to her, linking his hands together while leaning back in his seat. His voice devoid of emotion started, "I didn't pick your calls because I have no desire to talk to you, but you're not stupid so you should know that. I do not appreciate you barging into my office, creating a nuisance in front of my employees just to say 'thank you'. You can save the gratitude as I do not want or need it. Are we clear enough?"

Fists clenched and teeth gritted, she spat out, "You're such an asshole." She continued when all the reaction she got was a nonchalant shrug, "If you really hate me so much, why do you still help me?"

"You and I both know the only reason I'm doing anything for you is Jason," he replied, hoping that would drop her ego down a peg.

His words didn't have the intended effect because her expression again switched from angry to smug in an instant. "Liar."

His brows raised at that and that one word admittedly put him on edge. What was she on about now?

"I think not, Raymond," she continued with the smugest look he'd ever seen on her. "You just don't have the balls to admit you're still in love with me."

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