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Hope's mood seemed to be in a constant state of decline, and it was all Raymond's fault. She'd worked hard getting over her silly crush on him, and just when she'd finally made progress -- thanks to Raymond and his stupid noodles -- she was right back where she started -- reduced to tossing and turning all night long.

That had resulted in her starting off her day with swollen eyes and a cranky attitude that even Val had taken one look at her and decided to keep her distance and so far, nothing had succeeded in lifting her mood even the slightest bit.

She'd then tried to talk her mum into letting her sit out the family dinner this one time; a plea that had fallen on deaf ears. She'd had no choice but to drag her feet over only to find out Raymond was not going to be present. Was the universe playing a trick on her or what?

Then to put a cap on it, all through dinner, her mum wouldn't stop subtly suggesting what a perfect couple Raymond and Val would make -- and by subtle, she meant very obviously. It went without saying that Hope was done with this Sunday already.

"So Val my dear," her mum was saying. Dinner had finally ended and Sophie had gone to put the baby to sleep. Alex, the ever dutiful husband had followed. Angel as usual had sneaked off to watch TV. "I hope this stubborn girl is not giving you too much trouble."

Hope didn't need a genius to inform her who the 'stubborn girl' was.

Val chuckled, glancing briefly at Hope. "Hope? Not at all ma. She has been a very wonderful host."

"This one?" Her mum asked, giving Hope the side eye. "Try another lie."

Hope tsked. The last thing she needed was to get into it with her mum. "Dinner is over. Can we go home now?"

That as Hope had figured, earned a glare from her mum. "I'll decide that. I have some things to discuss with you girls first."

"Things like what, mummy?" Hope asked.

"Nothing. Just life, you know," her mum replied innocently.

Hope didn't know what 'life' was all about, but she dreaded the discussion already. And if the expression on Val's face counted, she was very much thinking the same. Only, Val was faster as she hurriedly made up an excuse about going to go check on the rest and racing up the stairs before her mum could protest.

"Ahnahn. Why is she running like I said I want to eat her?" Her mum asked, eying Val's retreating back.

Hope scrambled up as well."Me too mum, I want to -- "

"If you move one centimeter from that spot ehn . . . " She didn't complete the sentence. She didn't have to.

Hope sighed, falling resignedly back on her seat.

"Oya tell me. How are things between Raymond and Valerie?"

She'd dreaded this. She'd tried to avoid involving herself all through dinner but she should have known better. She wondered why she'd agreed to her mum's ridiculous bargain in the first place.

"They're fine," Hope replied, trying to sound uninterested. Maybe that'd help in getting her mum off the case.

"What kind of reply is that?" Her mum demanded. "You better start talking now before I force it out of you."

"Mummy!" Hope whined. "Shey Val is here. Why not ask her yourself?"

Her mum looked shocked that Hope would even suggest that. "How can I ask her? Haven't you heard of being discreet? We can't let either of them know that we're trying to get them together. That'll ruin the whole thing."

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