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The bright smile that was plastered on her sister's face at the moment was a memory Hope would keep locked away in her heart for a long time to come.

Sophie looked absolutely stunning clad in her white wedding dress, adorned by happiness and walking down the aisle to become Mrs. Adams officially. Hope had never been more proud of anything or anyone in her life.

Hope was convinced Sophie deserved every bit of joy in the world and she was beyond glad her sister had found her happiness with Alex, who in less than a minute would officially become her husband.

" . . . I pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride."

Hope sighed in contentment as the newly wedded couple pulled each other into a kiss, promising anything and everything to each other at that moment. For a split second, her eyes involuntarily found the groom's brother, Raymond and she felt a momentary pang of jealousy for the couple, but it was gone as quickly as it had come. She still had a long way to go before she could even start to think about marriage, and even then, definitely not with who presently filled her thoughts.

Letting out another sigh, she willed her mind off to blot out the confused thoughts presently clouding it.

Her phone buzzed in her purse and she pulled it out hastily, expecting it to be her best friend Tayo who was running late for the wedding.

It was a text message but it wasn't from Tayo. Rather, it was from a number she didn't recognize at all. Opening the text, her eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped in shock as she read the content of the text.

She knew instantly who had sent her the text and realizing that scared the hell out of her. Her life was about to change, and not likely for the better.

There you have it guys.
This story has officially started. I hope you all are as excited as I am.

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