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Hope had called Tayo on her way over to let her know she was coming and she'd been thrilled to learn her friend's dad was away on a business trip and her mum had left to attend a wedding so they had the whole house to themselves.

"She's going to be so freaked!" Hope squealed excitedly as she knocked heavily and continuously on the door to her friend's house.

Paul chuckled at the level of her excitement. If one didn't know better, they'd think she had won the lottery of something.

The door swung open and Tayo appeared.

"Do you want to break down -- " The words died in her throat and her hand hung midair. Her eyes bulged and she seemed frozen to the spot as she gaped at Paul.

"What's up?" He greeted with a small wave.

That seemed to break the spell as Tayo let out the shrillest shriek that had Hope hastening to protect her ears with her hands. Tayo flung herself at Paul who stumbled back on collision.

"Paul!!!" Tayo screamed, hitting him hard on the back of his head. She jumped off him before he could recover. "Oh my God! It's actually you. See how tall and fine you've become!" She then turned sharply to Hope and pointed an accusing finger at her. "And you, why didn't you tell me he was coming?!"

Hope rolled her eyes but said nothing. She shoved her way past her friend who was blocking the entryway and went on to make herself comfortable on a seat.

"Hope didn't know until this morning that I was around either. It was meant to be a surprise," Paul explained. He took her hand in his and twirled her. "Wow. The last time I saw you, you were skinny and spotting missing teeth."

Hope laughed and flashed her teeth at him. "My teeth's all complete now."

"So I've noticed," he teased.

She laughed again and engulfed him into another hug; one that she gave him the chance to reciprocate this time. "It's so good to see you again."

"Same here," Paul replied, squeezing her shoulder lightly.

She pulled back from him only to take his hand and pull him in, shutting the door behind them. "We have so much to gossip about."

"Yes, but before you start," Hope spoke, interrupting them. "Feed me. I'm starving."

"Are you ever not starving?" Tayo demanded, scoffing. "See ehn you can't just come here and be bossing me around in my house. It's not me that asked you not to eat in your own house."

Hope's mouth dropped open and she gaped unbelievingly at her friend. "So it's like that now?"

Tayo ignored her. She sat and pulled Paul down beside her.

"You're seriously not going to feed me?" Hope demanded, flabbergasted at the level of betrayal.

Tayo threw her an annoyed look. "Go and fix something yourself 'cause there's no quick action food in that kitchen."

"You know I don't like cooking!" Hope whined.

Tayo let out an exaggerated gasp, her hands flying to cover her mouth. She dropped them back and made sure to give her friend a sarcastic eye roll before completely ignoring her.

Hope huffed and plummeted back on her seat, grumbling. It was times like this she wanted to kill her friend. She tuned her friends out as she imagined herself holding a feast, losing herself in the world of what would have been lots of delicious food. Her stomach grumbled and she groaned, realizing she was only just making things worse for herself. Her phone vibrated and grateful for the distraction, she brought it out and flipped it open.

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