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A few days later, Angel junior was officially named Emmanuella Olakiitan Adams. Raymond had spent quite sometime with the baby and he'd found out overtime that Hope hadn't been exaggerating at all. If anyone wanted a direct definition of a crybaby, Ella was one. All she did was cry, feed, sleep and cry. He sometimes wondered what it would be like spending the whole day with her. He had no doubt it would be a whole experience on it's own.

The naming ceremony wasn't anything grand, it took place in their living room and just their immediate family and a few of their friends were present. The whole event only took a few hours and the house soon started to thin out save for a few people, all of whom Raymond was familiar with. There was one person that specifically caught his attention -- a light skinned petite beauty who was conversing with Ama, Sophie's best friend on the other side of the room from him. He'd met her once before at Sophie and Alex's wedding and they'd talked for about a total of five minutes.

As if sensing she was being watched, she shifted slightly and her eyes scanned his general direction. Her gaze landed on him and he knew she must have recognized him because she said something to Ama and then started making her way over to him.

Raymond kept his gaze fixated on her every move as she walked over -- not that he could compel himself to look away even if he wanted to. She'd had the same effect on him the first time he had seen her. There was something about her that mesmerized him and demanded his attention.

"Hi," she greeted as she came to a halt right in front of him.

"Hi, Valerie," Raymond replied, flashing her a pleasant smile. "It is Valerie, right?"

She looked surprised that he had remembered. "Yes, it is and you're Raymond." It didn't sound like she was asking.

"Right," Raymond replied, flattered that she remembered his name. "I'm surprised you remember."

"Yeah, well, it's been a while but I was hoping to see you here," she admitted.

"Really?" He asked, surprised.

"Yeah, well . . . " she let her words trail off with a shrug. "How have you been? Work and all?"

"Very well, can't complain," he replied, nodding. "What about you?"

"Good. I've been alright," she replied with a slight nod. "So . . . You never called."

"Yeah, about that . . . " Raymond's mouth fell open and shut as he searched for an acceptable excuse but couldn't come up with one. How was he supposed to explain to her why he had taken her number but never called when he didn't even understand it himself?

"About that . . . " she mimicked him, wearing a knowing smile that bordered on teasing.

Raymond let out a nervous chuckle. "I don't really have an excuse for that. Let's just say I wasn't in the best state of mind at the time."

"Not in the best state of mind to call a friend? If we can be classified as that?" She asked with raised brows. She was obviously not going to buy that.

"You're right, I don't have an excuse. I'm sorry," he finally conceded.

She tilted her head, seeming thoughtful before releasing a breezy laugh. "It's okay, it's fine. I'm in the middle of my NYSC program and I'll be around for a while. Guess we'll be seeing each other around?"

"Really? That's great. Congratulations." He found it strange how pleased the information made him.

"Thank you very much," she replied, faking a curtsey.

"You're most welcome," he said, returning her curtsey.

"Alright, I just wanted to say hi. See you around."

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