Twenty two

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Hope constantly imagined a lot happening, but she definitely hadn't prepared for when Raymond would decide to go all 'ghost mode' on her.

Granted, she hadn't exactly reached out to him either, but that was only because she was suddenly at a loss of what to say to him if she did. He on the other hand, should have plenty to say to her. After all, he was the one that had made an almost move on her. Sort of. Bottom line was, she hadn't spoken to him in close to a week, and she was on the verge of depression.

"I seriously don't know what's going on with you. Have you even been listening to me?"

That successfully jolted Hope out of her thoughts and back to her friend who'd been in the middle of a narration -- one that Hope had tuned out of the last few minutes.

Rolling her eyes, Hope replied dismissively, "No, I wasn't listening. So leave me alone."

There were times Hope was grateful Tayo had thick skin. This obviously wasn't one of them. She'd have preferred her friend to get angry and storm out of her house. Instead, all she got were raised brows and a look filled with so much superiority.

"If you're planning to ask me questions, let me just inform you now. I will lie," Hope declared, hoping that would be enough to keep her friend's pending interrogation at bay. As if.

Tayo scoffed. "Yes, and we both know I'm a lie detector when it comes to you."

A reluctant smile tugged at Hope's lips, causing Tayo's eyes to light up in predatory glee. "C'mon now, talk to me. I promise not to laugh at you too much."

It was Hope's turn to raise her brows. "And what makes you think whatever it is will have you laughing at me in the first place?"

"One sure way to find out is for you to actually tell me," Tayo pointed out sweetly. Smartass.

Hope exhaled, contemplating it. She turned around on her bed so she was now facing the ceiling. Coming to a resolution, she blurted, "I think Uncle Ray has been avoiding me."

Tayo blinked, momentarily dislodged. She sat up and stared at her friend, waiting for Hope to elaborate, but she got nothing. "Wait, that's it? That's why you've been moody and spacing out?"

Hope responded with a hard glare. Don't you dare judge me.

Tayo threw her hands up in a sign of peace. She just didn't get it. "Okay, I just . . . Do you . . . Is there something else going on?"

"What do you mean?" Hope asked, puzzled.

"Y'know, between you both," Tayo clarified. "I mean . . . I know you've always kind of liked him, but it's always been harmless, nothing serious. At least that was what I thought."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Hope insisted.

Tayo shook her head, trying to keep a straight face despite the laugh threatening to spill out. "Okay, fine. Let's try this angle. Why do you think he's avoiding you?"

"He's not contacted me at all the whole week."

"Today is Thursday, babe. The week is still young." She smiled sheepishly at the drab look Hope threw at her. "Oya sorry. What about you? Have you reached out?"


Tayo nodded. "Why? Are you avoiding him?"

Hope's face scrunched up in confusion. "What? Of course not. Why would I--"

"Exactly," Tayo interjected. "You didn't reach out even though you're not avoiding him. It could be the exact same case with him. You're probably the one who is overthinking it, and I wonder why."

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