Twenty four

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Hope had at different times, wondered what it would be like when she eventually fell in love. She'd even played different scenarios out in her head, but never in all those times had she pictured herself as giggly and overexcited. No, she was a hard girl. At least that was what she'd thought. However, after waking up that morning with a permanent smile on her face, she wasn't so sure anymore.

She'd woken up to the memory of Raymond confessing to her playing on repeat in her head, and that seemed all her mind had the ability to conjure.

I really like you, Hope . . .

Hope giggled, the action drawing everyone's attention to her.

Yes, it was Sunday evening which meant that the whole family had once again gathered, and Hope had just broken into giggles in the middle of what had previously been a somewhat quiet dinner. Now everyone was staring at her, waiting for her to reveal the source of her amusement.

"Care to share the joke?" Sophie teased, although curious as to what was making her sister so happy. She'd noticed it the moment Hope had walked in that evening. She seemed . . . chirpier than normal.

"Nothing," Hope declared, trying but failing to curb the smile that was still plastered on her face. Sophie regarded her with a suspicious look.

Val chuckled, joining the conversation. "She has been like this since she got back home yesterday. One would think she got a boyfriend or something."

Hope turned to glare at Val, knowing that was definitely going to get her mum's attention.

And she was right. "Boyfriend? Hope, you have a boyfriend?" It was funny how a question could come so calmly yet carry so much threat.

"No, mummy!" Hope shouted, a little too loudly. If she didn't already have everyone's attention, she definitely did now. "That's not what she meant--"

"You better not have a boyfriend."

"Mummy, I don't--"


Hope sighed, cowering in a mix of embarrassment and restrained frustration at her mum's hard stare. With Raymond sitting right next to her, that was the worst possible timing. Her mind reeled, wondering what was now going through his head but too chicken to turn her head even the slightest bit to find out.

Raymond didn't miss the change in her mood, and he didn't like it. Hope's eyes  were close to falling out when she felt his hand finding hers under the table. Her eyes immediately shot to him and he sent her a beautiful smile, lacing their fingers. Hope turned away, suddenly feeling shy, but didn't retrieve her hand. And just like that, she was right back to trying to keep a shit eating grin off her face, and boy, was it a torture?

She looked up and her eyes caught Sophie's whose eyes narrowed even more suspiciously at Hope. She was all too clearly passing the message that she knew something was up and she was going to grill Hope about it later. Hope on the other hand didn't care about much at the moment, except for the feel of Raymond's fingers against hers, and the tingly feelings that were running up her fingers and through her body.

Realizing then he was only making things worse for her, she tried to tug her hand off his, but it was almost like he'd been expecting it. His grip on her hand tightened. She turned to him and he rewarded her with another smile. If he kept doing that, her heart would most likely go into arrest.

Dinner dragged, but it eventually ended, and Hope all but jumped out of the chair when they were done. She even offered to do the dishes -- granted, her mum would have made her do it anyway, but at least she wouldn't have offered so readily.

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