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If there was one word that usually could describe Raymond's two bedroom apartment, it was impeccable. On the days Efe was around however, it was the exact opposite. The man wrecked enough havoc in one evening than Raymond could ever manage in his lifetime. He wasn't a clean freak, not really. It was just that Efe was very messy.

He'd started dreading what state he would meet his home when he had gotten a text from his friend on his way back from work stating that he was currently at his place waiting for him. And he wasn't disappointed.

"How did you even manage to make a mess of this place so quickly? It's almost like you do these things to me on purpose," Raymond accused his friend as he fell into the seat perpendicular to the couch Efe was currently sprawled on, arms folded behind his head like he had no care in the world.

Efe's eyes roamed the sitting room like he couldn't find anything wrong with it. "What did I do again?"

Raymond let his eyes fall on the articles of clothing strewn around on his couch then on his friend who had changed out of his office wear and was now in a tee and shorts. His brows raised dramatically.

"I was too tired, alright?" Efe defended.

"But not too tired to ransack my kitchen," Raymond shot back, gesturing at the empty plate and discarded water bottle lying on his marble floor.

Efe ignored him. "I'm sleeping over today. Ada called to let me know she's in my apartment so now I can't go home."

"And why's that?"

"The girl can't seem to get the memo that I'm no longer interested. Market don expire."

Raymond's brows furrowed in confusion. "Hold on, Ada? The same girl you were chasing like a starved man three weeks ago? You already bagged her?"

"Done and dusted, brother," Efe replied proudly. "But now she won't let me be or return my apartment keys."

"Maybe you shouldn't have given them to her in the first place," Raymond pointed out.

"And you're talking as if you don't know me. I didn't. She just took them. She was leaving that night and she just removed the key from the lock. I didn't even know until later," Efe laughed out loud at the memory.

"Reminds me of someone I know," Raymond said with a pointed look at Efe. "Are you sure you want to break up with her though? It sounds to me like you were made for each other."

Efe scoffed although his eyes held a twinkle like this was all just a funny joke to him. Maybe it was. "Nahh, she's too clingy. But then, I guess I can't really blame her. I mean . . . You can't have a taste of this . . . " he paused to gesture at his body. ". . . and not cling. You just have to, you no get choice."

Raymond didn't bother hiding his irritation at his friend's words and smug look. "You're despicable."

Efe wasn't fazed at all by the insult. Instead, his expression shifted to a more mischievous one and he wiggled his brows at Raymond. "Abi you want to give it a try?"

"I'll pass, thank you," Raymond replied with a shudder.

Efe chuckled. "Your loss."

"Really though," Raymond started in all seriousness. "Chasing a girl only to dump her when she falls for you? I can never understand why you do that. It's just not reasonable. Why put in so much effort when you don't really want her?"

Efe raised his brows at Raymond. "Eeyah. So tell me, where has your holier than thou reasonable lover boy attitude gotten you? As in, how many pikin you don born?" (How many children do you have?)

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