Chapter 6.Encounter

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Third-person POV:

"Sir, they send a package again! " the man wearing a black fitted, shirt and black denim pants, enter the office of their commander.

"What is it this time? " the commander asked. With a deep breath, you will know that he doesn't like the present.

"Same items, but they included the necklaces of our men! " the commander is trembling in anger, he throws all the things on his table in just one swipe.

The person who relays the message is now trembling in fear.

"They will pay for this! they will pay for this!! I will cut off their lineage! I will sweep off their kinds above the earth, I will not show mercy! " the commander shout out his frustration and anger, oblivious of his surrounding that the man higher than his position was there.

"Didn't I tell you to stop attacking them?!!!" The man with authority in his voice looks at the commander like he wants to kill him.

"Coinin?! " his eyes wide, when he recognized the person. But due to his anger, he forgot that he is his higher-ups.
"Then what? I will not stop until I will kill them all!! " he didn't know what to think anymore, all he planned to end up miserable, their enemy is sending the body parts of their menu, which means death.

The man with authority pulls his neck in one hand, his eyes piercing like a fire. And with a Stern authoritative voice, he pulls him up to look at him.

"If I order you to lay low, follow it, if my plans ruin because of your carelessness, I will be the one to cut off your head! " he then throws the commander around the room.

The man that relay the message witness all the violence. He trembles when Coinin looks at him. He shows his neck to submit.

"What else is in there? " Coinin asked.

"A letter sir" the scared man in his low voice, eyes fixed on the floor.

"What did they say? " Coinin is near to lose his temper, they've been losing a lot of men because of a failed mission.

"The next time you send a group,
I will make sure to send you back their heads, together with the hearts,
we will hang their body in front of their family's yard!"

In his trembling voice, he manages to relay the message written in blood.

Coinin's eyes, turn dark gray, he kicks the commander on his guts, causing him to fly again around the room.

"Don't do anything anymore, wait for three months, we will send them the troupe they never expect to encounter. AND THAT'S AN ORDER! YOU UNDERSTAND??!! " He didn't wait for an answer, he walk out of the room with a red face due to frustration and anger feelings, leaving the commander in a bleeding state.

Type'S POV:

"Look at my eyes, I am you,
We are one, you must know,
Open your heart and you will see,
Someone is there, needs to be free!.

I open my eyes, welcomed by warm sun rays that come from my windows, I sit up and stretch my body, the curtain of my room is swinging together with the morning air. I'm thinking of my dream, it's not a nightmare anymore, but it's still the crystal blue eyes that I see, and the same voice that I heard.

I am frustrated and confused now, my body changes, all my senses are not normal. I smell someone from afar and I had a feeling that they are not ordinary humans, my eyes catch every little thing in my surroundings.

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