2.1 Halfdan

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2.1 Halfdan

Seven years ago I lived in Götaland with my husband, Dagon, and we lived happily. It wasn't until they went to raid, and I told Dagon I had a bad feeling in my stomach something was going to happen. He didn't believe me saying it was only in my head, but when the healer told me I was with child I was so excited. Elrik was born late in the night, with the help of my neighbor, and he looks just like his father. That night I had a nightmare of my husband getting impaled by a sword. Three months later, they returned, but Dagon wasn't with them. The Jarl said he fought hard, and died protecting someone who was wounded. We stayed in Götland until Elrik was four, and then I decided it was time for a new start.

Once we finally got settled Elrik is six, and is running around while I work as a seamstress. Elrik leaves after his chores, and usually is back by sun down. The past six months he has been telling me about his friend Halfdan that has been teaching him how to fight. The past couple days he has been telling me Halfdan was going on a hunting trip with his brother, and he really wanted to go. I just couldn't let myself agree to let him go, because I haven't met Halfdan, let alone his brother. This morning was no exception, as we sit at the table for breakfast before our chores.

"Mother please I promise I'll behave." Elrik begs with his bright green eyes.
"Elrik I told you I will think about it. Besides I don't know who they are. What if they want you to go, so they hurt you?" I tell him with my hands on my hips.
"Halfdan won't hurt me. He promised." He mumbles.
I sigh. "Elrik if I meet them I will come to my decision faster."
When he heard me say that he jumped up, running out of the door.
''Hey! Elrik what about the pigs!" I yelled after him, but he was already down the road. "Impatient...just like his father." I smirk remembering how impatient Dagon was about things.

I knew he would be back soon, so I just cleaned around the house. As I was hitting the rugs out I hear Elrik's voice talking with someone with a deep voice. I turn as they walk into the gate, and the most intense eyes lock with mine. I stay in my spot as they walk toward me, and Elrik smiles up at me.
"Mother this is Halfdan." He says proudly. "He is the one that was teaching me how to protect you."
"This is...Elrik go hush those pigs up, and I'll speak with Halfdan." As he runs away I look over the man who my son has been spending his time with. "You know when my son told me he had found a friend I was thinking someone shorter." He shrugs at my statement.
"He would watch me, and my brother, so I asked him if he wanted to learn." He tells me. "He'll be a great warrior, but shouldn't his father be teaching how to fight?" He asks.
"His father died in a raid seven years ago. They never got to meet, but he looks just like Dogan." I smile turning to look at Elrik cleaning the pen. "He told me you promised not to hurt him." I look into his eyes.
"I would protect him like he is my own. That day I should've killed that man..." he rants angry.
"What man?" I interrupt him.
"We were training, and Elrik was off to the side mimicking our movements. He does this everytime, but this time his sword, I gave him, slipped barely landing near this man's feet. He stomped to Elrik grabbing his shirt, and yelled into his face." He growls with a scowl. "I held my ax at his neck until..." I hugged him before he could finish.
"Thank you so much." My heart was beating so fast at just the thought of Elrik getting hurt.

His big hands hold onto my waist, and when I finally realize I'm hugging a stranger. I pull back, but his hands stay there.
"He can go with you on your hunting trip." I say as I pull out of his hold. "Just bring him back in one piece." I smile.
"I swear on my armring he will come back just as he left. I will come get him after his chores tomorrow, and tell my brother to send someone to help you with them while we are gone." He says turning away.
"Wait. You... I... I can do it alone." I stumble.
"Harald would insist, and besides that's too much work for one person." He waves bye to Elrik.
"Harald?" I mumble. "You mean King Harald?! He is your brother?" I rush to the gate as he walks away.
"Elrik told you nothing did he?" I shake my head.
"I know who you are, Halfdan The Black, I've heard all the stories of you and your brother. I just didn't know it was you." I say.

He just smirks before walking down the road, and once he is gone Elrik runs to my side.
"Well..." He stretches out the word.
"You might want to take your big bag, so you can carry all your weapons." I smirk as he runs into the house cheering.

He leaves as soon as he collects all his weapons, and tells me he has to sharpen them. I got to work on the clothes, blankets, and bags people dropped off yesterday. As my day goes by people picking up their things, dropping things off, and taking small breaks to walk around the market. I'm walking up the steps when I hear a cry that hits my heart, and I almost fall when I turn around too fast. Coming into the gate is Halfdan carrying a crying Elrik, and as I rush to them I can't help but notice how tight Elrik is holding onto Halfdan.

"What happened?" I ask as I guide him inside.
"It is my fault. He wanted to sharpen his knife, so I let him. I looked away to grab a rag, and he was screaming." As he tells me what happens Elrik shows me his arm that has a long cut from just below his wrist to his elbow. "We cleaned it the best we could, and wrapped it with clothes the healer gave us." He tells me as I wrap his arm again.
"Elrik, get some rest your arm is going to be sore." I tell him as he lays back.
Once Elrik was comfortable we walked outside, and Halfdan turned to me.

"I shouldn't have let him do it. He had seen us do it so many times I thought he could do it." He tells me.
"I finally met you, and you almost cut his arm off." I sigh. "And then you act like you could stop it from happening." I laugh. "Halfdan he is a young boy who will learn the right way of things, and he won't learn them from me. I'm glad you let him follow you, and keep him safe." I smile as I look up.
"You aren't mad that he is hurt?" He steps closer with a shocked look.
"I was before I found out what happened, and it wasn't on purpose. Beside me being mad at something he did to himself is kind of silly." He nods.
"I will see him before I leave tomorrow." With that he walks away.
"Halfdan?!" He turns back. "Would you like to eat dinner with us tonight?"
He didn't give me an answer; he just smirks before walking away.

I stayed home doing the little mending, and keeping an eye on Elrik. When he first woke up he asked for Halfdan, but when I told him he might come back for dinner he finally relaxed and drank the herbs a healer dropped off for him. Apparently while I've been working my darling son has been becoming friends with just about every person in Vestfold, and groups of people came to check on him.

As the sun started to set I started cooking dinner, and Elrik finally felt like getting out of bed. We were about to sit down when we heard the stomping at the steps, and Elrik jumped higher than a grasshopper as he ran to the door. As he lets Halfdan in I grab him a plate, cup, and place some chicken onto his plate. I'm about to pull a chair up to the table, but strong hands on my waist stops me.

"Let me." He takes the chair out of my hands moving it to the table.
"We are so happy you were able to join us Halfdan.'' I say as I go to sip my water.
"Yea. I can't wait to go tomorrow." Elrik says with a big smile.
"Uhh Elrik... I think you should heal before your big hunting trip." Halfdan says.
"But..." Elrik frowns.
"Elrik, Halfdan is only looking out for you." I smile toward Halfdan. "Although I think it's okay."
"Yea it's okay. It doesn't even hurt anymore." Elrik says.
"Well... if your mother thinks it's okay then I guess you can go." He tells him.

The rest of the night Halfdan told stories of his raids, travels, and some of his childhood with his brother, but I couldn't help notice every time Halfdan would side eye me. After dinner Elrik decided he was tired, so he went to bed. I was washing the dishes as Halfdan came up behind me.

"Thank you for dinner." His voice mumbles.
"Anytime. Thank you for looking out for looking out for Elrik." I wipe my hands as I turn in his arms.

We stare into each other's eyes for a moment before he steps back. I walk him to the door, and I stop in the doorway while he walks down the path.
"See you tomorrow." I call before I close the door.

That night my dreams were filled with Elrik calling Halfdan his father, and him holding a daughter.

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