2.2 Halfdan 18+

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2.2 Halfdan 18+

The next morning, Elrik was up before the sun doing his chores, and some of mine. I had to spot him to check his pretty much healed arm, and before Halfdan even walked inside Elrik was running out the door. After two days they returned, Elrik with two rabbits, Halfdan with a boar, and that night we ate boar while telling hunting stories. It seems since their trip, two months ago, Elrik leaves after his chores, and Halfdan leaves after dinner. Today I didn't have anything to mend, so I decided to go see what my son does during his day.

I walk up the steps of the great hall, hearing people cheer, and once inside I see my son aiming an arrow at Halfdan, who is holding a shield with an apple on his head.
"Uh oh boys. You are in trouble." King Harald laughs.
"Mother." Elrik says with a shocked look on his face.
"So..." I take the bow from Elrik. "I send my son to you for lessons, and I find..." I raise the arrow.
"Mother... don't" Elrik begs.
"You being the target." I release the arrow causing Halfdan to raise the shield, and the apple to stick into the wall.

Halfdan walks to me with a smirk on his face, and hands the shield to his brother.
"Harald continue with his lessons. I need to speak with (y/n)." I hand Elrik his bow.

As we walk through the street Halfdan pulls me into his side with his arm around my waist. I've noticed my waist seems to be his favorite part to touch.

"You have a great shot." He says as we walk into my yard.
"Thank you, Halfdan." I smile up at him before we walk inside.
"(Y/n) I wanted to talk to you about something." His feet shuffle as he stands by the door.
"Is something wrong?" I ask watching him come toward me, caging me between the table and him.
"Yes. I've noticed something wrong around here." He says. "Everyday you take care of Elrik, work your fingers to bleeding, and barely sleep."
"Well someone has to do it." I chuckle.
"Yes, but usually a man does this." He leans into my ear. "Your fingers shouldn't bleed, mine should, you should be out to the world as you sleep..." his hands run up from my hips. "...while I protect you. (Y/n) just say yes, and I will protect you and Elrik."

My body is shaking from his rough deep voice in my ear, and all I can do is hold onto his arms. He sits on the table with him between my legs, and the skirt bunched up.
"Tell me, and I will do anything." He kisses along my ear.
"Halfdan" I gasp. "I..." I bite my lip as he moves down to my neck.

He pulls down his pants as I wrap my legs around his waist, and let my head fall back. He pulls back with his forehead against mine once he is at my entrance, and I grab his shoulders. His hands hold my hips as he slowly starts to enter me making me gasp, and once he is all the way inside he stops. After a moment he starts to move faster as he grips my hips, and I grip his shoulders.
"Halfdan." I moan out.

He lays me back onto the table, holding my legs, as he starts pounding into me, and all I can do is hold onto the table unable to stop my screams. With a growl he rams into as we both finish together, and as we lay there he lets my legs go to lay his head on my stomach. Without a word he lifts his pants before picking me up carrying me to my bed, and as he carries me I give him little kisses in his neck. He helps me take my dress off before he lays me down, and covers me in fur. He lightly moves his thumb over my cheek, and as my eyes start to close he gives me a soft kiss. I haven't slept this good in so long, so when I woke up I couldn't stop the smile on my face.

As I am tying my dress Elrik runs in with Halfdan following, and Elrik has a big smile on his face.
"Mother you won't believe what happened!" He practically shouts.
"What happened?" I laugh as I come out fixing my hair.
"Halfdan asked..."
"Elrik hush." Halfdan interrupts with a smirk. "I asked Elrik how he would feel about me becoming his father."
"Elrik go outside." I order, and after a shocked face he runs outside. "So you think just because we have sex you will just become his father." I snap.
"Didn't I tell you I would protect you and Elrik, help you both, and didn't I prove I could pleasure you.'' He stands in front of me. "(Y/n) I don't want to replace Dagon, but I want to fill the spot. You both need it." He moves a piece of my hair behind my ear.
I sigh. "Halfdan... You actually want to be a family?"

He kisses me hard while holding my face in his hands, and we hear a gasp behind us.
"I always wanted a father!" Elrik yells jumping on Halfdan's back.

I just look at Halfdan carrying Elrik around as I start cooking, and halfway through I feel Halfdan wrap his arms around my waist.
"I need you both with me." He whispers in my ear.

After a month together I was with child, so we got married. When Elrik turned seven a week later I gave birth to a girl named Linda, and she not only has Halfdan wrapped around her finger she has all of Norway. Elrik grew up just as strong as Halfdan, and smart like his father.

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