2. Ubbe 18+

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Eatting disorder

2. Ubbe 18+


        I've been living in Kattegat my whole life, and knowing the sons of Ragnar wasn't the joy people would think. Firstly, Ivar was filled with just anger, and wouldn't trust anyone but me and his mother. Secondly, Sigurd was just an asshole, insulting anyone and anything. Hvitserk wasn't that bad for a prince, but he was a whore. Lastly, Ubbe would always act like he was like my own personal pain in the ass. He would always be there to stop a guy from talking to me, beating the ones who were making fun of me, or making sure I was correct during work.
        My parents always laughed saying we would marry one day, but I always scuffed at them. Me? Marrying Ubbe Ragnarson? He only saw me as a sister, or possibly just a girl he can have fun with for the night. 
         Lately the other women have been staring, and pointing at me while laughing to themselves. I just shrug it off as I continue walking into the great hall, because I was having dinner with Queen Aslaug and her sons. Once I stepped inside Ubbe stood from his seat, and met me by the fire handing me a cup of mead. With a smile I take the cup, and look down.

"Ubbe, can I ask you something rather foolish?" I ask.
"Of course you can." He chuckles. 
"Do I look okay? I mean is there something wrong with what I am wearing?" I pat down my dress as I talk.

      He looks at me confused, and takes my hand walking me to the table. I greet Queen Aslaug with a kiss on the cheek as I go around her to my chair. 

"You look great. Why would you ask?" He holds my chair, that is in the middle of his and Ivar's, out. 
"There was this group of women laughing at me as I walked here I thought something was wrong with my dress." I shrug not really bothered by it. 
"Hmm?" Sigurd smirks behind his cup.
"Something to say, Sigurd?" I ask, picking up a piece of bread.
"Oh it's nothing. I was just thinking of something that could have them laughing." He continues to eat.
"Would you like to share, brother?" Ubbe looks over at him. 
"Oh come on brother, you know the only reason she's shieldmaiden is because she is the size of a cow." Sigurd smirks. 
"Sigurd!" Queen Aslaug scolds. 

     I just hold eye contact with Sigurd as everyone scolds at him, and I just start laughing. 

"She's finally lost her mind." Ivar smirks toward me.
"My weight? Really?" I laugh. "You, and your little whores need better insults." I lean against Ivar as I laugh making him laugh. 
"My whores? Might need to ask Ubbe who's whores are who's." With that he walked out the Great Hall.
"What does that mean?" I ask toward Ubbe.

      They just awkwardly look at one another, and Queen Aslaug gives me a small smile. 

"Oh you...they are shared whores." I clear my throat. "I appreciate the dinner invitation Queen Aslaug, but I just..." I sigh. "I just got really tired." She gives me a nod before turning her stare at her eldest son. 
"Y/N..." Ubbe starts. 
"Goodnight everyone. I will see you tomorrow Queen Aslaug for the fabrics." I smile at her before walking out. 
          I don't know why it hurts to know he's been going to whores, but I knew he would never come to me. 

Ubbe's P.O.V

           It's been a couple days since anyone has seen y/n, and I'm starting to get concerned. I huff taking a seat at the docks, overlooking the water, and think back to the dinner she had with us the way her face slowly turns to a frown as she learned what I was doing. I knew I should be going to her, gods know I've loved her since I can remember, but I knew I couldn't be with someone as strong as she is. The way her mind works, the way she can kill you in battle, and doing arguments. With a sigh with a stand walking back to the great hall, only to be stopped by Margaret, the shared whore of me and my brother.

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