4. Bjorn 18+

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(Y/n) P.O.V

        When Queen Kwenthrith came to Wessex I just knew she would cause problems. The kingdom of Wessex already had to lookout for Vikings sailing back. I remember when they first came here I was a young girl, and they caused a lot of death without even raiding. Once the Vikings finally did show up they sat down with the King, and tried to negotiate for land. King Ecbert informs them they have to fight with Queen Kwenthrith before they could get land.
        During their negotiations Ragnar's son Bjorn was watching me as I stood behind Queen Kwenthrith. I was ordered to be her servant while she stayed here. He had the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen, and they caused goosebumps as I looked in them. He seemed to always be watching me, while we were loading up, while we traveled to camp, he did help me with the heavy things, but he still didn't say anything, just went back to setting up.
         The night before battle there was a tense feeling over the camp. People were getting their weapons ready, praying to their own God or Gods, and some were eating everything they could get their hands on. Since Queen Kwenthrith was having her own fun I was able to just sit and relax. Just as I was about to go into my tent I saw Bjorn sharpening his ax, and realized I haven't seen him with any food today. I got him a bowl of the stew that was made, and a couple pieces of bread.
"You won't be much of a fight if you starve to death." I joke as I place the bowl and bread plate in front of him.
         I smiled to myself as I went back to my tent, and got my linens in order to patch up the warriors. I was just about done when the flap to my tent is pushed open, and Bjorn walks in. He looks down at me as I sit next to my trunk, and ties the flap shut. I stay on my knees as he walks over to me, and runs his hand over my head. I slowly rise to my knees following my hands as they rub up his muscular legs. I lock eyes with him as I untie his pants. He lets them fall to the floor.
"Untie your dress." He practically orders.
       He throws his shirt to the side as I untie my dress, letting my chest fall out. My eyes fell on his hard member. I softly grip it in my hand, making him gasp. He starts to move his hips along with my hand. I couldn't stop myself from licking when I saw a drop coming out. He grabs me from under my arms, and lifts me to my feet. His hand grips the back of my neck as he kisses me hard. While his lips move to my neck his big arm goes around my waist. He slightly lifts me to sit on my trunk. My legs open for him almost immediately.
"Gods look at you. All open for a Viking." He taunts me as his hands run down to my hips. "You think it's proper?" He softly talks into my ear.
"Do you care?" I breathlessly respond.
       He smirks as he starts kissing from my collarbone to below my ear. His hand moves to my chest, pinching my nipple with his rough fingers. I grip his long hair as he moves down to lick over my nipple he just pinched. I moan as I arch against him, causing his member to slide over my center.
"Bjorn please." I moan.
        He reaches between us, rubbing himself against my opening, and slowly enters me. I grip onto his shoulders when he gets to the barrier, but he stops. He stops when I grip his shoulders. He takes my hand in his, breaking through as he kisses my wrist. I squeeze my knees into his sides as I gasp loudly. As he starts to move against me my mind wonders. I never thought sex would be like this. I also never thought I'd lose my virginity for a Viking. I didn't realize I was completely out of it until I heard my own moans. I bite my lips to try to quiet down. I just knew the whole camp could hear me. He kisses me using his tongue to unleash my lip. I could feel the bruising grip he has on my hip, and I need him to grab me everywhere.
"Mine." He groans in my ear.
"Yes." I moan back.
      With one hand on the back of my neck, the other around my waist he just starts pounding away. I could only grip his sides, and hide my face on his shoulder. I even tried biting his shoulder to stop from screaming, but I just worry I bit him too hard. He groaned as he started to lose his pace, and my stomach was tightening hard. He moves my head to lean his forehead to mine, and with one last ram we finish together. I couldn't feel anything other than the little tingles that moved over my body.
        Bjorn lifts me, holding me to his chest as he walks to the bed. I felt so content in his arms I gave him a light kiss on his chest. He lays me on the bed I was given, but moves toward his clothes.
"You're leaving?" I ask, I could hear how desperate my voice sounds.
"No, I'm getting this fur." He comes back with a smirk.
          He felt so warm as he laid next to me. His arms felt like he would protect me against anything. I fell asleep instantly. I woke from the best sleep I ever had to an empty bed. He must be getting ready with his people. As I got dressed I noticed a dagger laying next to my trunk. I giggle a little as I pick it up, and use my wrap to cover it. I walked around trying to find Bjorn, but ran into Queen Kwenthrith first.
"Ah (y/n) I am going with Ragnar to battle, so just get ready for everyone's return." Queen Kwenthrith tells me with a smile.
"Just be careful my lady." I offer her a soft smile as she walks away.
      When I finally find Bjorn he seemed to be looking for something. I quietly walk up behind him, and hold my arm up.
"Looking for something." I giggle as his body freezes.
       He turns to see his dagger in my hand, and takes it from me. He goes to put it with the rest of his weapons. I thought he wasn't going to say anything, so I went to walk away. He pulls me back to him, with my back to his chest, and his face in my neck. I lean back for a moment before turning to face him.
"Be careful." I play with his hammer necklace.
      He softly pulls my face up to his, and looks in my eyes. I smile at him as he kisses me softly.
"I will." His eyes hold the promise.
         The warriors left just a little after breakfast, and the ones that were left got everything ready. I kept moving around the camp to keep myself busy. I can't believe I've gotten so attached to him after just a short time. When there was nothing left to do I went to Bjorn's tent, and waited for him. I could hear the commotion from them returning. I heard cheering more than anything, so I just waited. Bjorn finally came in with blood and dirt all over him. I was so happy to see him standing in one piece. I hugged him, not caring about him being dirty.
"Let's get you cleaned up. I have fresh clothes for you." I smiled at him. 
        We walked to the small river that was away from everyone. I helped him take his armor off, and while he was getting the blood off of himself I got it off his armor. I was too distracted to see him swimming closer to me, and when he pulled me in I squealed like a mouse. When I came up he was laughing, so I splashed him.
"I was being nice, and you soak me." I sass.
"I thought you'd want some help to get the blood off of you, and I wanted you against me." He gets closer as he speaks.
        I smile as I kiss him with my hands on the back of his head. I feel him moving my dress out of the way as I wrap my legs around him. He kisses my neck as he slides into me making me moan, and grip onto him. He holds onto my hips to move me against him. All I could do was moan into his neck, and pull at his hair. He squeezes me tightly to his chest as he groans loud and finishes inside me.
        As we get out he gets dressed in his clean clothes, and then wraps me in the fur he brought. I laugh as he picks me up, and carries me back to my tent. After I get changed we lay in my bed until the feast. During the feast I had to serve Queen Kwenthrith, and he sat with his father. At some point Queen Kwenthrith went to her tent with some Viking men, and I was finally able to sit down next to the fire. I wasn't alone for long until King Ragnar sat next to me.
"Hello King Ragnar. Is there something I could get for you?" I ask properly.
"My son has his mother's heart, and his father's mind." He says while he pokes at the fire. "That's how I know you'll be the only one who calms his mind when the storms start." He talks like a riddle.
"I'm not a free woman, King Ragnar. I couldn't be with him even if I wanted to." I tell him somberly.
"He will ask you to be with him, and you will be able to make your own decisions." He leaves after that.
        I haven't seen Bjorn in a while, so I just went to my tent. As I relax I see a lovely necklace laying on my bed. It looks like a shield. I put it on with a big smile. As I laid in bed I played with the necklace thinking of how I could convince the king to let me leave. Even if I did want to go with Bjorn.

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