3. King Alfred 18+

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King Alfred 18+

Being a servant I always knew my life would be the same. When I was a young girl I remember finding Queen Judith in her chambers crying when Alfred went to Rome. I became close to Queen Judith, as well as Alfred when he came back. He was a very quiet boy for the most part, and I was his shadow.
When only Ragnar and his son came to Wessex I knew everything would change. I followed Alfred when he would play chess with Ivar, he would stand in front me when he met Ragnar, I also helped Queen Judith when Alfred got ill, and she took me in when my mother died in the marshes.
As we grew older I knew I was hurting myself for falling in love with him, and because I was in love we did unholy things. Like right now as we are in his chambers with his hands roaming my body.

"Alfred, we can't keep doing this anymore." I pull back.
"Why can't we?" He asks with a confused face.
"You are going to be crowned King tomorrow Alfred, and you'll need a Queen." I stand up, fixing my dress.
"I'll make you my Queen." He declares as he pulls me back to him. "I don't want some spoiled princess when I can have my smart..." He kisses my forehead. "...breathe taking" He kisses my lips. "...caring Queen I've loved my whole life." He kisses along my neck making me moan.

I couldn't stop him, the way his hands take my dress off, his lips move down my body, and the way he whispers to me as he takes me. His one hand is gripping my hair as the other is gripping the pillow above my head, his forehead is leaning against mine, and he moves against me. I wrap my legs around his waist as he goes faster, and I scratch down his back.

"Oh Alfred." I moan out. "I love you."
"You are mine." He groans in my ear.

Out of nowhere he flips us, so I'm now on top of him with his hands moving up my body. I hold onto his knees as I lean back, rocking back and forth. Alfred sits up with his arms holding me to his chest, but I can only gasp from how hard he's pounding into me.

"Alfred!" I practically scream as we release together.

He slowly lays me down as he softly kisses me, and when he pulls back he smiles down at me. He doesn't let me go as he lays down, making my head lay on his shoulder. As I start falling asleep he kisses my forehead.

"I love you." He whispers.

Over the next month it is like Wessex isn't a Christian kingdom, but what surprises me the most is that his own brother is running some group. This group is many Noblemen coming together to try to dethrone Alfred. Alfred has been so worried he became ill again. The treason was getting so bad Queen Judith couldn't even believe her own son, so she made the worst decision anyone would make. I fell sick through all the troubles, but only Alfred knew. As Judith and I sit with Alfred, she looks at me with her piercing eyes that felt like she was reading my soul.

"(Y/n), come here." She orders.
"Yes ma'am." I ask once to her side.

She turns me side to side,
moves my dress around, and holds my hand as she stands.

"You are with child (y/n)." She simply says.
"Wha.." I look at her, to Alfred, and then to my stomach. "Oh heavens." I sit on the edge of the bed.
"(Y/n)." We hear behind me before she can ask anything.

I look behind me with a gasp, as I stand next to Queen Judith.

"Oh Alfred." She excitedly hugs him. "Thank God you're awake." She smiles down at him.

He looks from her to me, and he reaches for me with a small smile. I don't think as I take his hand, but when I look up to see Judith looking at me I regret my choice. Once we helped him move, we sit him by the fire to feed, and once he was almost done with his food Queen Judith sat next to him.

"Alfred, I have some news." She smiles. "(Y/n) is with child."

My eyes fly to the floor, as his moves to my stomach, and from the way he is looking I know Judith figured it out.

"I knew you two would love each other at some point." She sighs. "Well it looks like we have to hurry with a wedding."
Alfred clears his throat. "Mother, can you give us some time?"

She smiles as she walks out, and as soon as the door shut I sit next to him.

"I told you you'd be my Queen." He laughs as he sips his drink.
"Oh shut up." I push his shoulder. "You're lucky I love you." We laugh.
"That I am." He smiles at me, and kisses me deeply.

When the counsel found out Alfred wanted to marry me they erupted in disbelief, but it didn't last long. Alfred had them arrested for that awful group they made, and gave Bishop Heahmund his title back. Who married us in the company of the Vikings, and before God. I gave birth to our son Edgar a month after Queen Judith died. As our kingdom expanded I gave birth to our daughter, Judith.

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