1.2 Bishop Heahmund 18+

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Part2 18+

Heahmund's p.o.v


        As I walk through the woods I hear a soft like giggle, and it calls to me. I fall as a giant wolf stomps in front of me, but just watches me as I walk past it. As I get closer to the giggling I hear water, and see a glow just behind the trees. I'm temporarily blinded by the glow as I pull the branches back, but what I see makes me fall to my knees. The long (h/c) hair, godly (s/c) skin, and the way my body craves her, but who is this woman? I walk closer only to be stopped by a big serpent with rows and teeth roaring at me. 

"Jörmungand, It is alright." Her sweet voice calms the creature. 

           The creature disappears into the water, but I watch as she sways toward me with an eight legged horse creature behind her. I stand on my knees as she gets closer, and I noticed it is the girl from the cellars. 

"Sorry of my siblings, they tend to be overprotective." She smiles down at me. 

"What is this place?" I grab her waist. "Who are you?" 

"I am the Goddess of chaos, and I brought you here to show you who I am." She lightly touched, and ran her fingers over my head. "I'm sorry for what I have done." 

"What have you done?" I slowly stand in front of her. 

"I have caused a lot of pain in my time, and that goes to the attack on your people." She looks down in shame, but I hold her face in my hands. 

"Why do I feel this way to you?" I ask. 

       She smiles as she slowly leans in, and she softly kisses me. 


        I'm woken up with a start, but I notice someone shaking me. 

"Bishop Heahmund. You must wake up." The guard rushes to say. "The Viking are attacking." 

         I jump up, get dressed in my armor, and after a kiss to my sword I run out toward the main gate. Those heathens have already gotten into the castle, so I'm killing them as I run. My mind shoots to the girl in the cellars, and I quickly turn around to the cellars. Once there I notice they are all empty. Where did she go? I thought she... I couldn't finish my thought before I'm hit over the head, knocking me out. 

(Y/N) p.o.v 

             After I kiss him I wake up, and I hear crashing, and screaming. I smirk thinking of the chaos that is unfolding, but my heart is heavy thinking of my soulmate fighting in the battle. The cellar door is busted down to the ground, and Angantyr comes running with an axe. 

(Norwegian translation from google)

"Hjelp meg."(Help me.) I practically beg. 

"Hav skjedde?"(What happened?) He asks as he walks up to me. 

"De fant ut at jeg hjalp deg."(They found out I helped you.) I rush. 

"Få henne ned, og tilbake til leiren. Jeg vil at hun skal bli tatt vare på."(Get her down, and back to camp. I want her taken care of.) He orders his warriors. 

          I'm carried all the way to the tunnels, and we run back to the camp. Once there I'm put into a tent next to Angantyr's with food, water, and fire, but my mind only goes to my soulmate. I close my eyes, sinking into his mind being able to look through his eyes, and I guide him to the cellar. As Angantyr's guards came back up through the tunnels I had them come behind Heahmund, knock him out, and bring him to the camp. As he is laid on the bed I grab water, rag, and a salve for his cuts. I can't control my body as it starts to shake. 

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